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Example sentences for "democratisation"

Lexicographically close words:
democracy; democratic; democratica; democratical; democratically; democratization; democratize; democratizing; demographic; demoiselle
  1. There is only one way of salvation, the way of confidence and of the Democratisation of the country and of the Army.

  2. The Committees merely prepared the Democratisation of the War and Naval Councils by introducing elected soldiers into them.

  3. There was a small appendix to this minority--the Democratisation of the Army.

  4. I understand the democratisation that opens to the popular masses wide access to science, technical knowledge, and art, but I do not understand the democratisation of these achievements of human intellect.

  5. The next measure for the democratisation of the Army was the introduction of the Institution of Commissars.

  6. The practical result of this increasing democratisation will next be a European league of nations, in which each individual nation, delimited by the proper geographical frontiers, has the position of a canton with its separate rights.

  7. It seems that the democratisation of Europe is a link in the chain of those mighty prophylactic principles which are the thought of the modern era, and whereby we rise up in revolt against the Middle Ages.

  8. The democratisation of Europe is a resistless force.

  9. Not by an accord between Governments for a limitation of armaments, but by the disarming of these Governments and the radical democratisation of the military system….

  10. We have spoken so far of only one factor in that process--namely, the democratisation of the English people which is in progress and the blurring of the lines between the classes.

  11. It is for this reason that the democratisation of the nation markedly set in after the civil war, and with it the territorial particularism, which had been weakened by the Revolution, has been rapidly dying away.

  12. War, therefore, tends on the one hand to create a dictator, and on the other hand to precipitate the democratisation of a country.

  13. A large number of Socialists do not think that the democratisation of the House of Commons and the abolition of the House of Lords will suffice.

  14. First of all, the main assumption made by Englishmen who advocate the democratisation of foreign policy is that international peace would thereby be assured.

  15. In other words, the war can only result in the downfall of the Empire or in the achievement of Imperial Federation and a further democratisation of the central government.

  16. Out of these questions has arisen a demand for the "democratisation of foreign policy"; that is, for greater popular control over diplomatic negotiations.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "democratisation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.