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Example sentences for "dener"

Lexicographically close words:
dence; dende; dendrites; dendritic; denen; dengue; denial; deniall; denials; denie
  1. Meretinsky and Skobeleff were in the vicinity of the Loftcha road; and Kriloff and Krüdener were moving about in co-operation, the former having posted himself on the Radisovo height with the forces under his command.

  2. In fact, Kriloff and Krüdener were repulsed all along the line.

  3. I have read the article upon Madame de Krüdener in the Revue des deux Mondes.

  4. Madame de Krüdener was an adventuress by nature, and if she had not been well born she would have been recognised as such long before her final absurdities.

  5. Of no less importance in awakening the religious life throughout Germany, and especially in Switzerland, was the missionary activity of Madame de Krüdener of Riga.

  6. Dener Bash' by the Turks, for his obstinacy, a nickname also given by Lord Marischal to the Prince.

  7. Krüdener took up his residence as Russian ambassador.

  8. The heroine is equipped with all the charms which a lady as passionately in love with herself as Madame de Krüdener was could communicate to her own portrait.

  9. Authoresses like Madame de Krüdener play the rôle of prophetesses, and as such exercise a distinct influence on the social development of the period.

  10. Madame de Krüdener writes to him: "Sidonie has requested me to convey her heartfelt thanks to the kindest of friends.

  11. Madame de Krüdener is a woman, and in a reactionary age the definition holds good: Woman is the natural prey of the priests.

  12. Towards the close of the year 1811 Madame de Krüdener returned to Karlsruhe.

  13. To Jung-Stilling Madame de Krüdener now did homage as her master and guide.

  14. There is not the slightest doubt that Madame de Krüdener was entirely persuaded of the purity of her motives, and that she acted in all sincerity.

  15. At their religious meetings in Würtemberg Fontaines was always dressed in black, Madame de Krüdener in blue, and Marie in grey.

  16. Staël and de Krüdener quiet in their coffins.

  17. Krüdener was wont to spend a month in religious exercises, thanking God, at the foot of the altar, for giving her a sister like Mdlle.

  18. On the 18th the Grand Duke Nicholas ordered General Krüdener to occupy Plevna.

  19. Krüdener operated against the still stronger positions on the north; but, owing to difficulties that beset his advance, he was too late to make any diversion in favour of his colleague.

  20. Ther was as grett a dener as youe have sene, for ther wher mony gentyll men and women.

  21. After an account of the heraldic and other paraphernalia, he concludes, "and affter they whent to dener for thys was affor none.

  22. Krüdener went west to subdue Nicopolis, and later to come to grief at Plevna.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dener" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.