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Example sentences for "denye"

Lexicographically close words:
denunciation; denunciations; denunciatory; denuo; deny; denyed; denyes; denying; deoch; deodand
  1. Wherfor les I shuld be constrayned to confession / and so denie the faithe / I retayne faith in my harte / and by holding my peace I do dissemble for a tyme / I do not vtterly denye nor throw awaye all Religiõ.

  2. But they denye that they do worshippe the Images: They maye denye it in wordes / but in theyr dedes they do testifie cleane contrarye.

  3. But whosoeuer shall denye me before men / hym wyll I also denye before my father which is in heauen: the same lord in the gospell of Marcke / [[Marc.

  4. He which doth denye that all theis sayinges must be vnderstond of persequutors / he saithe that darcknes is lighte.

  5. If we denye hym / he shall also denye vs.

  6. I denye before my father which is in heauẽ: wherfore as the tõgue owghte not in the confession of godlines and religion to differ from the mynde / so muste not the owtwarde doinges of the body disagree from the same.

  7. It may wel be I do not denye that they are mortal, but suerly I do not byleue that they are me, which are so beastly mynded.

  8. I denye not but that it is so as ye saye, but ye knowe well that god is omnipotent and can do al thynges, he can turne vs ||whê his wyll is sodenly in to other maner of men.

  9. Now if I denye anythynge by & by I am crwell.

  10. And that I thoug[ht] it expedient for you to write vnto his highnes and to recognise your offence and desire his pardon, whiche his grace wold not denye you now in your aige and sikkenes.

  11. Certes,' quod I, 'I ne may nat denye ne withstonde the resouns purposed; and I see wel that it folweth by strengthe of the premisses.

  12. And I denye that thilke thing be good that anoyeth him that 120 hath it.

  13. I trow can denye that ever suked the paepes of reason.

  14. I trow, can denye that ever suked the paepes of reason.

  15. Well for once I will not greatly stand out, yet in hope, That what att our fyrst meetinge you'l not grant You'l not denye at partinge; reatch thy pale.

  16. With what consciens can'st thou denye mee part of the gaine, when the owner heareinge it is in thy custody and within my knowledge, must eather find mee a principall in the theft, or at least accessary to the fellony.

  17. And consequentlie, thei which beleve to be saved be thair werkis, or to gett remissioun of synnes be thair awin deidis, beleve not God, bot raccompt him a liear, and so utterlie denye him to be God.

  18. For þe desert of felonye I ne may nat denye it q{uo}d I.

  19. Chapletts freshe of oke serriall Newly spronge and Trompetts they were all; I denye that therefore in the Knightes Tale yt must be oke serriall.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "denye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.