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Example sentences for "despotically"

Lexicographically close words:
desponding; despondingly; despot; despotic; despotical; despotick; despotism; despotisme; despotisms; despots
  1. A great many are deserting under a deliberate conviction that their rights have been despotically invaded by the government; and that this government is, and is likely to be, as tyrannous as Lincoln's.

  2. Don Luis permitted himself to be loved, that is to say, he was governed despotically by Currito in matters of little importance.

  3. The Democrats surrendered the power which they had so despotically wielded for twelve years, and their opponents, consolidated under the Whig banner, took the reins of government.

  4. The Washington press was despotically governed during the war.

  5. The slaves of free peoples have generally fared worse than the slaves of men themselves despotically governed.

  6. We do not suppose that he is less inclined to rule despotically than was his father, or that he would be averse to the recovery of the position which was held by his uncle and his father.

  7. The mental traits of the Jacobins form a contrast and are fully visible in the following speeches: "We desire despotically a popular constitution.

  8. Vassili had established, he had no influence in the government which had been grasped so energetically and despotically by Hélène and her paramour Telennef.

  9. A week passed away, during which time parties were forming and conspiracies ripening, while Telennef was desperately endeavoring to retain that power which he had so despotically wielded in conjunction with his royal mistress.

  10. He who should be the parishioner was treated despotically as the subject whose life, liberty, property, and civil rights were in his sacerdotal lord's power.

  11. The revolutionary régime with anti-Christian despoiling and leveling laws, is despotically applied.

  12. And first, in the section assemblies, which still maintain a semblance of popular sovereignty, they rule despotically and uncontested.

  13. Russia will be despotically governed as long as she has no manufactures; and England and the United States are rescued, by the full establishment of their manufactures, from all danger of a retrogradation towards feudalism.

  14. He saw clearly, and said plainly that unless South Africa was to be despotically governed, it must be administered with the consent and approval of the Dutch.

  15. Natal might be annexed to Cape Colony, made a province of a South African Federation, governed despotically by a soldier, or left to join the Dutch Republics.

  16. Although Napoleon had governed Italy despotically he had introduced a great many important reforms.

  17. Sidenote: Milan and the despotically governed towns of northern Italy.

  18. After the execution of his minister, Tiberius ruled more despotically than ever before.

  19. From time to time they had to contend with despotically inclined Governors, but these men, prior to the reign of George III, in assailing the rights of the people acted on their own initiative rather than at the command of the King.

  20. Any attempt by the Governor to rule despotically or illegally was sure to arouse their stubborn resistance.

  21. He seemed, this master of the secrets of the body, to be invading despotically the province of the soul.

  22. He longed for it with the passion of a weak will governed despotically by a strong intellect.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "despotically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.