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Example sentences for "diffused matter"

  • The bodies themselves might have been gradually formed out of diffused matter, floating loosely in the realms of space.

  • Suppose it to be true that the bodies which compose it, the sun and the planetary spheres, were gradually evolved out of diffused matter.

  • The Nebular Hypothesis throws no light on the origin of diffused matter; and diffused matter as much needs accounting for as concrete matter.

  • He says: "Heat must inevitably be generated by the aggregation of diffused matter into a concrete form; and throughout our reasonings we have assumed that such generation of heat has been an accompaniment of nebular condensation.

  • Almost any collision between unequal masses of diffused matter would, in the absence of any massive central body round which they would be forced to revolve, lead to spiral motions.

  • The man who gave it its general shape, by promulgating the doctrine that stars result from the aggregation of diffused matter, was the most diligent, careful, and original astronomical observer of modern times.

  • If the Solar System was formed by the concentration of diffused matter, which evolved heat while gravitating into its present dense form; then there are certain obvious corollaries respecting the relative temperatures of the resulting bodies.

  • Heat must inevitably be generated by the aggregation of diffused matter into a concrete form; and throughout our reasonings we have assumed that such generation of heat has been an accompaniment of nebular condensation.

  • The man who collected evidence indicating that stars result from the aggregation of diffused matter, was the most diligent, careful, and original astronomical observer of modern times.

  • For if, as is implied above, heat must inevitably be generated by the aggregation of diffused matter, we ought to find in all the heavenly bodies, either present high temperatures or marks of past high temperatures.

  • If the Solar System was produced by the concentration of diffused matter, which evolved heat while gravitating into its present dense form; then there is an obvious implication.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diffused matter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    before thee; both races; conspired against; court order; crushed stone; dance hall; diffused light; diffused matter; dramatic poem; foul weather; great veneration; half parts; little supper; long illness; long procession; moderate amount; much success; not make; postal service; small dose; usually thought; vital action; will hang