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Example sentences for "disestablish"

Lexicographically close words:
disentanglement; disentangling; disenthralled; disentombed; disese; disestablished; disestablishing; disestablishment; disesteem; disfavor
  1. I don't quite understand it; but they tell me that the Tories are going to disestablish the Church.

  2. Was it possible that these earls, that marquis, and the two dukes, and those staunch old Tory squires, should remain in a Government pledged to disestablish the Church?

  3. It was no fitting work for Mr. Daubeny, and the suddenness of the proposition coming from such a quarter would justify them now and for ever, even though they themselves should disestablish everything before the Session were over.

  4. The Queen had doubted the policy of disestablishing the church in Ireland, but to disestablish the commander-in-chief came closer home, and was disliked as an invasion of the personal rights of the occupant of the throne.

  5. To this feeling he continued to adhere, and to the last opposed the Irish Church bill intended to disestablish and disendow the Protestant Church in Ireland.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disestablish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.