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Example sentences for "dissolvent"

Lexicographically close words:
dissoluteness; dissolution; dissolutions; dissolve; dissolved; dissolves; dissolving; dissonance; dissonances; dissonant
  1. We need only point out its place as a kind of intermediate dissolvent for which the time was most ripe.

  2. Every year we see thousands rush to warm and cold springs that have the reputation of being possessed with dissolvent and cathartic properties.

  3. Very seldom a disease is met with, that is permitted to run its course without dissolvent or cathartic means.

  4. The two streams of dissolvent influences, negative criticism on the one hand, and positive knowledge and scientific method on the other, were led into a single channel of multiplied volume and force.

  5. This constitutes a gilding dissolvent now in our market.

  6. It tells all about the Oneal Dissolvent Method and what I have been able to do in the most serious, chronic eye troubles.

  7. Almost blind for 10 years with cataracts: cured by the Oneal Dissolvent Method in two months.

  8. I would not advise, however, the use of aqua-regia, the infallible dissolvent of gold, because it would disorganize the leather.

  9. This it is that most shakes our vital desire and most intensifies the dissolvent efficacy of reason.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dissolvent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cutting; flux; resolvent; solvent; thinner; thinning