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Example sentences for "disutility"

Lexicographically close words:
disunite; disunited; disunity; disuse; disused; disyllabic; dit; ditations; ditch; ditched
  1. Yet of monopolized products as of others our rule holds good; they sell according to the disutility of the terminal social labor expended in order to acquire them.

  2. The Point at which Utility and Disutility are mutually Neutralizing.

  3. His objection to a few minutes of additional work measures what we may call the specific disutility of labor; and men, whether they be primitive or civilized, are forever making such measurements.

  4. We have seen that the line DC of the figure expresses not only the absolute utility of the final unit of goods, but the disutility of the labor of reproducing it or of reproducing any other unit.

  5. On the contrary, with the bringing in of disutility of production, we have the doctrine of the earlier English School revived.

  6. It has been emphatically repudiated by Boehm-Bawerk, so far as the disutility equilibrium is concerned.

  7. Instead of a surplus of utility of product above the disutility of acquisition, therefore, there emerges an average or aggregate net hedonistic deficit.

  8. They go on producing utilities until, at the margin, the last increment of utility in the product is balanced by the concomitant increment of disutility in the way of irksome productive effort,--labor or abstinence.

  9. As the utility of subsequent units of product progressively declines, so will the producer's intensity of irksome application concomitantly decline, maintaining a nice balance between utility and disutility throughout.

  10. The unit and measure of productive labor is in the last analysis also a unit of disutility; but it is disutility to the productive laborer, not to the consumer.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disutility" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.