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Example sentences for "dourha"

Lexicographically close words:
dount; dounward; dour; doura; doure; dourly; dous; douse; doused; dousing
  1. Near by the fellah worked in his onion-field; and on the khiassas loaded with feddan at the shore, just out of the current, and tied up for the night, sat the riverine folk eating their dourha and drinking black coffee.

  2. No more the cake of dourha and the balass of Nile water.

  3. Her mind dwelt on the little mud hut and the onion field, and she saw down by the foreshore of the river the great khiassas from Assouan and Luxor laden with cotton or dourha or sugar-cane, their bent prows hooked in the Nile mud.

  4. With twenty ghaffirs I beat five cane and dourha fields this morning," said Dicky.

  5. With the same greasy fingers he put upon Hope's plate a stuffed cucumber, and would have added a clammy sweet and a tumbler of sickly sherbet at the same moment; but Hope ate nothing save a cake of dourha bread, and drank only a cup of coffee.

  6. Thou hast trouble at," he said, and put some cakes of dourha and a meated cucumber beside her.

  7. After a moment, with muttered words, Achmet sank down upon the stone again, drew a cake of dourha from his inner robe, and began to eat.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dourha" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.