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Example sentences for "dredeth"

Lexicographically close words:
dreariness; dreary; dredde; drede; dreden; dredful; dredge; dredged; dredger; dredgers
  1. And for this ther ne acordeth no wight lightly to the condicioun of his fortune; for alwey to every man ther is in som-what that, unassayed, he ne wot nat; or elles he dredeth that he hath assayed.

  2. But who-so that, quakinge, dredeth or desireth thing that nis nat stable of his right, that man that so doth hath cast awey his sheld and is remoeved fro his place, and enlaceth him in the cheyne with the which he may 15 ben drawen.

  3. And yif he be dredful and fleinge, and 80 dredeth thinges that ne oughten nat to ben dred, men shal holden him lyk to the hert.

  4. What I shal after doon, I can not seye; But trewely, as yet me list not pleye.

  5. And another seith: "the Iuge that dredeth to do right, maketh men shrewes.

  6. For som-tyme detraccion maketh an hautein man be the more humble, for he dredeth detraccion; but certes flaterye, that maketh a man to enhauncen his herte and his contenaunce.

  7. Senek seith: "a man that is wel avysed, he dredeth his leste enemy.

  8. And as Cassidore seith: "A man dredeth to do outrages, whan he woot and knoweth that it displeseth to the Iuges and sovereyns.

  9. Of the remedie of thise two sinnes, as seith the wyse man, that 'he that dredeth god, he spareth nat to doon that him oghte doon.

  10. That dredeth God, he dooth wel; That dredeth him for love, And noght for drede of vengeaunce, Dooth therfore the bettre.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dredeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.