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Example sentences for "dredge"

Lexicographically close words:
dredde; drede; dreden; dredeth; dredful; dredged; dredger; dredgers; dredges; dredging
  1. Dredge and baste the fowl every 15 minutes, adding water each time.

  2. Then dredge in gradually with the hand the dry ingredients, stirring all the time.

  3. Dredge with flour, put in a little water, and cover closely.

  4. Thus by blocking up the rest of the estuaries of the East River, all the water would form one strong current which would dredge the river bottom deeper, and maintain the depth permanently.

  5. Thus the whole river would dredge itself deep far up above Waichow city.

  6. Wipe with piece of cheesecloth; season with salt and pepper and dredge in flour.

  7. After some experimentation it was found that the best results were obtained by arranging the battering rams very near to the chain of buckets and by working the dredge and battering rams simultaneously.

  8. The engine which works the dredge could, when not thus employed, be used to drive the pumps.

  9. It turns alternately about two spuds which are thrust successively into the bottom and about which the dredge describes a series of arcs in a zigzag fashion.

  10. Dredge other half of meat with flour and brown in small amount of fat.

  11. When scrapple is to be eaten, cut into one-half inch slices, dredge with flour, and brown in hot fat.

  12. White, superintendent of dredging on the Canal, asked him to design a special impeller, along similar lines, for the dredge Texas.

  13. But it is the duty of the national government to improve harbors, dredge streams, dig canals for navigation and irrigation, erect levees to protect the back country, and build locks and dams when needed.

  14. One dredge was sent around Lake Pontchartrain to commence boring in from that end.

  15. But small imagination was required to see how man with proper resources could dredge channels, remove obstacles, and construct dams which would render these waterways useful during the larger part of the year.

  16. But if United States custom-houses were to collect duties on imported goods, they must erect lighthouses, build piers, and dredge channels in order to get the goods into the harbours.

  17. Sprinkle the pieces of chicken with salt and pepper and dredge in flour.

  18. Salt and pepper Flour Dredge meat with flour and season.

  19. Now and then, when a light dredge was hauled, the boys managed to catch breath and say a couple of words.

  20. This mess they dumped on the deck and picked over while the dredge was dragging again.

  21. There was no rest, for by this time the other dredge required emptying.

  22. The hydraulic dredge removes the material from the bottom by means of a large centrifugal pump which draws the materials, mixed with water, into a suction tube and forces them to distant points by means of a long line of pipes.

  23. The ladder dredge excavates the bottom by means of a series of buckets running with great velocity along a ladder.

  24. Do not cover them with batter, but dredge them with just flour enough to absorb all moisture, then cover them with boiling lard.

  25. It is only necessary to remove the feathery substance under the pointed sides of the shells, rinse them in cold water, drain, season with salt and pepper, dredge them in flour and fry in hot fat.

  26. Rub well with salt, ginger and a speck of pepper, and dredge well with flour.

  27. Dredge over with a good coating of grated cheese, sprinkle the surface with melted butter and bake until nicely browned.

  28. Dredge flour over them before adding, and if necessary, add more flour to the dough, which should be of the consistency of cup cake batter.

  29. Dredge the liver with flour before frying and turn occasionally.

  30. Dredge in flour, brown in hot fat, cover with hot water, and place on the back of the stove or in a hot oven.

  31. Dredge with flour and fry slowly in a little butter until crisp and brown, or dip in egg and cracker and fry in deep fat.

  32. Dredge with flour and put in baking dish with one cup of sugar sprinkled over.

  33. When meat is about half done, turn it over, dredge with flour, finish browning.

  34. Or boil in salted, boiling water until tender and cut in four pieces lengthwise, dredge with flour and sprinkle with a little salt and fry in hot butter or fat until nicely browned.

  35. Season with salt, pepper, and dredge in flour; brown in hot fat.

  36. Prepare for the oven in the following manner: Wash and then dry; rub it well with salt, a very little ground ginger, and dredge it well with flour.

  37. The dredge brought attached to its hull a shell-fish not known in Italian waters.

  38. After the natives had left us, I went with the pinnace and long-boat into the river with a design to haul the seine, and sent the master in the yawl to sound the bay and dredge for fish.

  39. Wipe beef with cheesecloth, place skin side down on a rack in a roasting pan suitable for the size of the roast; dust with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and cook in a hot oven, basting every ten minutes.

  40. Drain, dredge with flour, and saute in fat until brown.

  41. When half roasted, turn over, dredge with flour, and finish cooking.

  42. If canned blueberries are used, drain, and dredge with flour before adding to batter.

  43. Remove meat to a roasting pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and roast in a hot oven about half an hour.

  44. Meantime dredge more flour into the fat, let it brown a minute, then lay in large, mild onions thinly sliced.

  45. Dredge with pepper and flour, lay in sliced tomatoes, shredded green peppers, and a few small parboiled onions.

  46. Dredge in two tablespoonfuls flour, and let it brown.

  47. Lay a bit of butter on each egg, and dredge lightly with salt and pepper.

  48. Meanwhile, the dredge began sucking up green stuff that smelled of sewage instead of the blue-gray clay they sought--so the natives dove mud-ward to explore the direction of the vein.

  49. From the direction of Number Six dredge another crew was heading for the Tower.

  50. Because we've finally gotten across to him--at least I think we have--just how to take down a dredge tube.

  51. The problem seemed simple: find the mud in sufficient quantities for mining, dredge it up, and transport it back to Earth to extract the drug.

  52. Of course," Simpson was saying, "since Number Four dredge sank last week there isn't a whale of a lot of Installation left for you to inspect.

  53. Off to the right a derrick floated hub-deep in slime; grapplers from it were clinging to the dredge and the derrick was heaving and splashing like a trapped hippopotamus.

  54. One of them got caught in the suction tube, causing a three-day delay while engineers dismantled the dredge to get him out.

  55. In re-assembling, two of the dredge tubes got interlocked somehow, and the dredge burned out three generators trying to suck itself through itself, so to speak.

  56. Men and Mud-pups went to work once again to drag Number Five dredge out of the mud.

  57. You mean Number Four dredge is the only one you've got to use?

  58. At length, the blue-gray mud began billowing out of the dredge onto the platforms built to receive it, and the transport ship was notified to stand by for loading.

  59. Put a large lump of butter in the pot, dredge the meat with flour and return it to the pot to brown, turning it often to prevent burning.

  60. Cut two pounds of the upper round of beef into inch squares, dredge them with salt and pepper and roll them in flour.

  61. Have the butcher bone and roll three pounds of beef rump; dredge it well with salt, pepper and flour and brown it on all sides in a frying pan with a little of the fat from the meat.

  62. For a gravy skim off some of the fat if there is too much in the drippings; dredge in Gold Medal Flour; stir until brown, add hot water if necessary; boil a few minutes, stir in sweet herbs as fancied and put in a gravy boat.

  63. When done, pour off all but one or two tablespoons fat, dredge in Gold Medal Flour until it is absorbed, and stir till brown.

  64. Roast before a brisk, clear fire, baste often, and dredge with flour to make the bird look frothy.

  65. There was some talk of firing another blast to bring down more of the tunnel’s roof, but as fully half the stuff recovered by the dredge had proved upon examination to be worthless sand and rock, the project was abandoned.

  66. The tug Irma comes close to shore here and picks up the old dredge ranges.

  67. In a moment he had been lowered from the forward end of the dredge and he sank from view amid a burst of silvery bubbles that shot upward from the air valve in the top of the helmet.

  68. You remember, Ned, how the big dredge used to get itself into line with that stake and a white mark on the chimney of the house and then dig up the copper ore in bucketfuls,” and Dick hit the stake squarely with another stone.

  69. A floating dredge was brought and anchored above the point where the bottom of the lake had caved in.

  70. Yes, and when they clean up in one place, they’ll pull the dredge in shore a few feet and start over again,” asserted Ned.

  71. Dick when it was reported that the dredge had been taken back to Cleveland.

  72. All they have to do is keep the dredge in line with that tall stake on the beach and that white mark on the chimney of Coleson’s house and they know they’re right plumb over the hole.

  73. Thus if this horizon or one closely parallel to it is the Navarro-Matawan contract, the apparent discrepancies of the depth ranges of Stetson's dredge hauls are explained.

  74. Although sediment cores, particularly those of reworked material, do not provide as reliable information as dredge hauls, this outcrop of un-reworked Eocene may also be used in dating the structural benches of the continental slope.

  75. The dredge hauls by Stetson (1949) have also been projected on this profile.

  76. Georges Bank canyons Chart shows position of sounding lines and dredge hauls used to construct projected profile and inferred geologic section shown in Figure 21 (a).

  77. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge Expedition of 1947 led by Ewing made a number of successful rock-dredge hauls on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dredge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.