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Example sentences for "drolleries"

Lexicographically close words:
droit; droite; droits; droll; droller; drollery; drollest; drolling; drolls; drolly
  1. Mark Twain's drolleries have frequently the same air of innocence and surprise as Artemus Ward's, and there is a like suddenness in his turns of expression, as where he speaks of "the calm confidence of a Christian with four aces.

  2. The knight and squire are discomfited in broadly comic adventures, hardly removed from the rough, physical drolleries of a pantomime or a circus.

  3. Few traces of the comic are discoverable in Egyptian art--such papyri of a satirical tendency as are known to exist appearing to belong rather to the class of ithyphallic drolleries than to that of the ironical grotesque.

  4. Andy was in ecstasy, and began to indulge visions of being one day a trumpeter; he strutted up and down the shed like the original he so envied, and repeated some of the drolleries he heard him utter.

  5. Such were the drolleries of Sancho that all the servants of the house, and all who heard him, were kept hanging upon his lips.

  6. I will lay a wager that this good fellow who is with him is one Sancho Panza his squire, whose drolleries none can equal.

  7. But I shall have occasion to mention him in the course of my story; as he performed a tragical part in it--rather too much so, to be enumerated among the drolleries of a common jester.

  8. He had often attended him in his sporting excursions; and, owing to his never-failing flow of rustic wit, could any time find admittance at Millum Castle, where his drolleries would beguile Sir Ferdinand of a melancholy hour.

  9. An air of innocence and surprise adds to the drolleries of their adventures.

  10. The hero of a German tale, which relates the pranks and drolleries of a wandering cottager of Brunswick.

  11. She was herself in a mood of wild mirth, occasioned by the drolleries of an automatic female figure which a travelling showman introduced by Cantapresto had obtained leave to display at court.

  12. It was a comedy in the style of Goldoni's early pieces, representing the actual life of the day, but interspersed with the antics of the masks, to whose improvised drolleries the people still clung.

  13. Containing Strange Sayings, Eccentric Doings, Burlesque Speeches, Laughable Drolleries and Funny Stories, by the celebrated Ethiopian Comedian Charles Fox.

  14. Illustrating the Drolleries of Border Life in the West, Yankee Peculiarities, Dutch Blunders, French Sarcasms, Irish Wit and Humor, etc.

  15. He had an idea that the drawings on the wall were drolleries of some sort, though he could not understand why, and that it was his duty to be amused.

  16. He was always full of drolleries and fun.

  17. The short juvenile drolleries of his restless youth are the least defective as works of art; and, being brief and simple jeux d'esprit of a rare order, they are entirely successful and infinitely amusing.

  18. Perhaps, however, the most popular of all animals in this class of drolleries was the monkey, which appears natural enough when we consider its singular aptitude to mimic the actions of man.

  19. The word interlude remained long in our language as applied to such short and simple dramatic pieces as we may suppose to have formed the drolleries of the mysteries.

  20. All would have been perfect but for the sight of his uncle, playing off his drolleries in a manner that gave him a sense of personal degradation.

  21. How I see with my mind's eye the literary traveller trying to overhear the Attic drolleries of the waiters as they wash up their glasses, or endeavouring to decoy Boots into a stroll with a cigar, well knowing his charming article on Dickens.

  22. They owed their success to the singing with which they were generally accompanied, or to the postures, pantomimes, or drolleries with which they were supplemented for the amusement of the spectators.

  23. When the square of the town was reached, the theatre was stopped like the ancient car of Thespis, and the actors treated the people to a few comical drolleries in imitation of Aristophanes.

  24. Nonsense Drolleries The Owl & The Pussy-Cat--The Duck & The Kangaroo.

  25. Stockton has written several delicious drolleries of supernaturalism, as The Transferred Ghost, where the spook of a living man, the irascible uncle of the charming Madeline, terrifies the young suitor who lacks courage to propose.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drolleries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.