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Example sentences for "drolls"

Lexicographically close words:
droller; drolleries; drollery; drollest; drolling; drolly; drom; drome; dromedaries; dromedary
  1. In the year 1749, Shuter played drolls at Bartholomew Fair, and was wont to lengthen the exhibition until a sufficient number of people were collected at the door to fill his booth.

  2. Mr. Hunt's charming book on the Drolls and Stories of the West of England.

  3. Romances and Drolls of the West of England says, "Uncle is a term of respect, which was very commonly applied to aged men by their juniors in Cornwall.

  4. The drolls often appear among the realistic tales, as if genuine humor were more fresh when related to the things of actual life.

  5. The nonsense drolls are a type distinct from the humorous tale proper, yet distinctly humorous.

  6. In particular, the majority of the Drolls or comic tales and jingles can be traced, without much difficulty, back to the Indian peninsula.

  7. Certainly there is abundant evidence of the early transmission by literary means of a considerable number of drolls and folk-tales from India about the time of the Crusaders.

  8. Hunt, Drolls of West of England, 344, "The Tinner of Chyamor.

  9. It is indeed impossible to think these are disconnected, and for drolls of this kind a good case has been made out for the borrowing hypotheses by M.

  10. Hunt's Romances and Drolls of the West of England, p.

  11. Hunt in his Romances and Drolls of the West of England, p.

  12. The case is strongest for drolls of this kind.

  13. For there can be little doubt that these drolls have spread from East to West.

  14. The case for Indian origin is strongest for drolls of this kind.

  15. It accordingly occurs in most of the German books of Drolls as those by Bebel and Pauli, and it is possible that the folk versions were derived from this, though they stretch as far as Cairo and North India.

  16. Incidents in Drolls are placed in italics.

  17. The baboon and the monkey were popular drolls in ancient times.

  18. After supper of winters' nights master and men told old drolls and carded wool, whilst mistress and her maids kept their turns (spinning wheels) going till they had each spun their pound of yarn.

  19. Up here amongst the hills you know but little of the world," said the cousin, "and your old drolls arn't altogether to be believed.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drolls" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.