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Example sentences for "dydd"

Lexicographically close words:
dwining; dyad; dyah; dyar; dyd; dydde; dyde; dye; dyed; dyeing
  1. He does not look forward to Dydd Sul, as a day of llawenydd, of joy and triumph, as the weaver does; that is if he is religiously disposed.

  2. Dydd dachwi, sir,” said the man of the open countenance, “the weather is very showy.

  3. Ynne Lent, and onne the holie eve, Fromm fleshe I dydd refrayne; Whie should I thenne appeare dismay'd 175 To leave thys worlde of payne?

  4. Havynge wythe mouche attentyonn redde Whatt you dydd to mee sende, Admyre the varses mouche I dydd, And thus an answerr lende.

  5. Ynne Norman tymes, Turgotus and Goode Chaucer dydd excelle, Thenn Stowe, the Bryghtstowe Carmelyte, 15 Dydd bare awaie the belle.

  6. Whanne you, as caytysned, yn fielde dyd bee, Hee oathed you to bee stylle, & strayte dydd sette you free.

  7. Thenne Florence rav'd as anie madde, And dydd her tresses tere; "Oh!

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dydd" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.