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Example sentences for "eclaircissement"

Lexicographically close words:
echoing; echoless; echon; echos; eciam; eclaircissements; eclairs; eclampsia; eclat; eclectic
  1. Elyot, in fact, got rid of the tiresome and perplexing arrangement which renders the books of reference and instruction prior to his day, like the Promptorius and the Eclaircissement de la langue Francoise, so uninviting to consult.

  2. Then suddenly the problem of this theological eclaircissement was complicated in an unexpected fashion.

  3. But the reality of his eclaircissement was very different from anything he prepared in these anticipations.

  4. Since the grand eclaircissement had taken place between Mervyn and Gertrude Chattesworth, they met with as slight and formal a recognition as was possible, consistently with courtesy.

  5. As I was far from desiring to come to an eclaircissement with her, I did not wish to have her in better temper.

  6. This eclaircissement I dreaded before I had time to explain myself to my mother.

  7. So far the plan of her persecutors had perfectly succeeded; they saw her depart, on a trip of, as they supposed, twenty miles, and their whole notions of the practical joke were limited to the eclaircissement that must ensue at the end.

  8. It is certain that much eclaircissement is at this late moment wanting.

  9. She wished, but dreaded more, the eclaircissement which she expected would be contained in the mandate he had promised to send; yet was distracted for the certainty, how cruel soever it might prove.

  10. Various little incidents preceded and indeed helped to produce this swell and overflow of the heart, and the eclaircissement that followed.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eclaircissement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.