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Example sentences for "educacion"

Lexicographically close words:
edle; edlen; edler; educability; educable; educate; educated; educates; educating; education
  1. Ill educacion or idlenes, is no small vice or euill when so mightie a prince, hauyng so large dominions, who[m] all the Easte serued and obaied.

  2. After that you shall declare, his educacion: the educacion is conteined in thrée poinctes.

  3. In the third place, by his educacion and institucion.

  4. Is good educacion the grounde and roote, of a florishyng common wealthe.

  5. This document, which is important for the history of political economy, is printed in the Appendix to Campomanes, Educacion Popular, vol.

  6. It is a kind of men most to be abhorred, which hurteth the body of infantes wyth bewitchyng: and what shal we say of those parentes whiche thorowe their negligence and euyll educacion bewitch the mynd?

  7. Nature is an effectuall thynge, but educacion more effectuall, ouercommeth it.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "educacion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.