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Example sentences for "educated"

Lexicographically close words:
edler; educability; educable; educacion; educate; educates; educating; education; educational; educationalist
  1. I have said that the special mark of the half-educated man is his harboring of incompatible desires.

  2. The educated Frenchman, for instance, gets his ideas of India largely from certain poems of Leconte de Lisle who reflects the German influence.

  3. It was pointed out long ago that the characteristic of the half-educated man is that he is incurably restless; that he is filled with every manner of desire.

  4. To understand the particular craving that is met by Rousseauistic idealism one would need to go with some care into the psychology of the half-educated man.

  5. But what is most noteworthy about the half-educated man is not simply that he harbors many desires and is therefore incurably restless, but that these desires are so often incompatible.

  6. In an illiterate age to know how to write at all was a weird and magical accomplishment,[183] but in an educated age, nothing is so drearily unromantic, so lacking in glamour as grammar.

  7. He was the son of a centurion, and had been educated in all the varied learning of Greece and Rome.

  8. Those being educated abroad were required to return home, and after neglect to do so, upon their being found in the kingdom, were to be put to death.

  9. Ireland was not so fortunate during the scholastic as during the monastic era of intellectual development, but what benefits she had she owed them again to the same institution which had educated her sons in olden days.

  10. At present it wavers between the dictates of good sense and fair demands and the wild and impossible, but, to half-educated men, very fascinating, dreams of the Communists.

  11. Still there is difficulty in obtaining from the academies a sufficient number of educated monks, and according to F.

  12. The orphans were educated at the Legion of Honor, and then sent adrift on the wide, wide world, to battle with its winds and waves, to sink or swim as best they could.

  13. Now and then it may be related to an ignorant crowd by an anti-popery mountebank of our cities during times of religious excitement, but it is never heard from the lips of an educated Protestant.

  14. This prospect must chill the very soul of a man who has received the true priestly training, and who has been educated in that love of his church which is of itself a noble and generous sentiment.

  15. Patrick," says Bishop Nicholson, "the Irish seminaries had so increased that most parts of Europe sent their children to be educated there, and drew thence their bishops and teachers.

  16. One century is the child of another, and mind is educated by mind.

  17. But I know nothing about religion,” objected the Prince, who, like his master, had been educated in an atmosphere of French infidelity.

  18. I love them well, yet I see their faults, which are something like those of clever, ill-educated children, but on a gigantic scale.

  19. Folks were better educated in your time, Captain Truck, than they are now-a-days, by all I can learn.

  20. This truth I hold you all to be too well informed and well educated to deny.

  21. There is a dreamy charm pervading both of these little ballads, which will be best appreciated by truly musical and well-educated singers.

  22. She was a faithful, wise, and educated lady, who always held the Emperor to his high standard.

  23. Oh, yes, all educated men have heard of him.

  24. He claimed to have been educated at a small Western college, and on the strength of it had established himself in the country and advertised for private pupils at a low rate.

  25. These were mostly young, and not competent to see his deficiencies, but Bernard was old enough and well enough educated to perceive and comment on them.

  26. His professed creed was the creed in which the Church had educated him; but he had a clear secular understanding outside his formulas.

  27. On the Continent the peculiar English view has scarcely a single educated defender.

  28. His prodigious reputation would have given the Reformers the influence with the educated which they had won for themselves with the multitude, and the Pope would have been left without a friend to the north of the Alps.

  29. We shall not be much mistaken, perhaps, if we say that the view of most educated English laymen at present is something of this kind.

  30. Ernest Renan has recently produced an account of the Gospel story which, written as it is by a man of piety, intellect, and imagination, is spreading rapidly through the educated world.

  31. Born in Palestine in the year 89, Justin Martyr lived to the age of seventy-six; he travelled over the Roman world as a missionary; and intellectually he was more than on a level with most educated Oriental Christians.

  32. The educated would have been mere sceptics; the multitude would have been sunk in superstition.

  33. Besides, I was educated to teach, and Mr. W.

  34. Alvemar-Leon of Hermosillo, a young Mexican gentleman educated in the United States.

  35. The fittings were extremely rich, though somewhat out of harmony with each other, conveying to Captain Staunton's educated eye the idea that they had been collected at odd times from a number of other ships.

  36. To show his belief in the new spirit that was breaking over his country, he educated his daughter along with his sons.

  37. Her attitude toward education as seen in her relationship with her son educated in England and America reveals the attitude of the average Chinese father and mother if they would allow their inner feelings to speak.

  38. Yet, as of old, it is the educated men who will move China.

  39. Ting-fang has been bringing home with him lately the son of Wong Kai-kia, a young man who has been educated abroad, I think in Germany.

  40. The Swedish monarch was too generous to comply with the request; but being afraid of drawing on himself a quarrel with Canute, by protecting the young princes, he sent them to Solomon, King of Hungary, to be educated in his court.

  41. He became a monk of the Benedictine order, and was educated at the abbey of Cluny in France.

  42. To this I could give no other reply but that I had been educated when a child.

  43. He replied: "I am an Irishman by birth, and educated at Saint Omers.

  44. She appeared to be about seventeen years of age, and had just come from a Protestant convent, as they called establishments where young women were educated at Chester.

  45. The mind must be educated to love and dwell upon pure subjects in early life, as by this means only can the foundation be laid for that purity of character which alone will insure purity of life.

  46. Has the young lady been so educated as to be self-sustaining if necessary?

  47. No one dare to approach her without consent before marriage; and why should man not be educated up to the point of doing the same after marriage?

  48. These gentlemen, or at least Joseph, were educated at Brienne, but at a later period than Napoleon.

  49. My canaille would have become the best educated in the world.

  50. He was regularly educated at Pisa, to the study of the law, and is stated to have possessed a very handsome person, a talent for eloquence, and a vivacity of intellect, which he transmitted to his son.

  51. Confucius was carefully educated in virtue and learning by his widowed mother.

  52. He was educated in France and Germany, and spent some time in Rome before his return to Iceland.

  53. She was educated and adorned by the Horae or Hours, who carried her to heaven as soon she became of age.

  54. Ovid belonged to an equestrian family; he was educated at Rome, and enjoyed every advantage that splendid capital afforded.

  55. Bacchus did not share his mother's fate, but was conveyed to Naxos, where he was educated by some nymphs.

  56. She sent him secretly to Crete where he was educated on Mount Ida, by the nymphs, or, according to some, by the priestesses of Cyb'ele.

  57. My uncle Robert went to London as a boy and made all the money, pensioned his father, and afterwards educated his half-brother Sidney, who was twenty years younger than himself.

  58. She was not conscious of any special talent, and she said frankly to herself that she was not sufficiently well educated to be a governess.

  59. Mrs. Cardew had heard so much of the contamination of boys' schools that Theophilus was educated at home and sent straight from home to Cambridge.

  60. He was not sufficiently well educated to know that something, and a great deal, too, can be said for anything, and he had not arrived at that callousness to argument which is the last result of culture.

  61. In spite of all that has been said by persons who have had no opportunity of associating and exchanging ideas with the educated men of Japan, I maintain that in no country is the public harlot more abhorred and looked down upon.

  62. The intoning of the recitative is unnatural and unintelligible, so much so that not even a highly educated Japanese could understand what is going on unless he were previously acquainted with the piece.

  63. Harry, like all the educated boys of the South, honored and admired its public men.

  64. He did not wonder at it when he learned later that Bertrand, besides being chiefly of French blood, had also been educated in Paris.

  65. All those people whom you see upon the walls were educated in Paris or other cities of France, and they returned to a life upon the magnificent plantations of Hayti.

  66. Well, you see, there's a great difference between an educated man and an old carabineer who is now a tax-collector.

  67. Farming is worthy, moreover, of the most highly educated as well as the most capable.

  68. It supplies the appointed trial of faith for educated men of our generation, and the test of the intellectual vigour and manhood of the Church.

  69. Nor does the apostle make use of the principles of philosophical ethics, which in their general form were familiar to him as to all educated men of the day.

  70. He scorned the English tongue in operas, and though by no means a well-educated man, never sang but in Italian.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "educated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstruse; advanced; beautified; bettered; briefed; civilized; converted; cultivated; cultured; deep; developed; educated; embellished; encyclopedic; enhanced; enlightened; erudite; improved; informed; learned; lettered; literary; literate; perfected; polished; posted; primed; professional; profound; refined; reformed; scholarly; scholastic; studious; trained; transformed; wise

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    educated people; educated woman