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Example sentences for "eius"

Lexicographically close words:
eisi; eite; eith; either; eitt; eiusdem; eiusmodi; ejaculate; ejaculated
  1. God "secundum dilectionem" is more closely defined by the words "per verbum eius Iesum Christum.

  2. Yet you did not say too much, my friend, and what your praise began Eva's own appearance has finished.

  3. She would not have hesitated to require her niece's return home had not maternal solicitude urged her to deprive her of nothing which could aid her troubled soul to regain its poise.

  4. He had wholly renounced the idea of going into the monastery.

  5. He is sure of my blessing if he wields his sword as a champion of his holy faith.

  6. Feigned is the refusal of that which cannot be had,”— Ficta eius quod haberi nequit recuſatio.

  7. Neronis principis supremo, sicut in rebus eius exposuimus'), as well as with the times of Vespasian and Titus (N.

  8. For example, in describing the treatment of fistulae Celsus says: In has demisso specillo ad ultimum eius caput incidi cutis debet (VII.

  9. Atque ut eius diversa studia in dissimili ratione perspicere possitis, nemo est in ludo gladiatorio paulo ad facinus audacior, qui se non intimum Catilinae, nemo in scaena levior et nequior, qui se non eiusdem prope sodalem fuisse commemoret.

  10. The order of the words is 'illi antiqui voluerunt eius modi quaedam supplicia apud inferos impiis constituta esse.

  11. Servilium Geminum videbat, si Quintum se videre putabat, incidebat in eius modi visum, quod percipi non posset, quia nulla nota verum distinguebatur a falso: qua distinctione sublata quam haberet in C.

  12. Quae cum diceret constanter et in ea sententia permaneret, omnis eius oratio tamen in virtute laudanda et in hominibus ad virtutis studium cohortandis consumebatur, ut e Socraticorum libris, maximeque Platonis, intellegi potest.

  13. B iv has ‘Et septem plage erant in circuitu eius (i.

  14. And he was helpful in his tomb, ‘Ex ipsius tumba manat | unctionis copia | quae infirmos omnes sanat | per eius suffragia.

  15. In the Dream of Scipio we read that "piis omnibus retinendus est animus in custodia corporis: nec iniussu eius a quo ille est vobis datus, ex hominum vita migrandum est, ne munus humanum adsignatum a deo defugisse videamini.

  16. Vesta, "vis eius ad aras et focos pertinet"), it is hardly necessary to comment on it.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eius" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.