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Example sentences for "ejective"

Lexicographically close words:
eject; ejected; ejecting; ejection; ejections; ejectment; ejectments; ejector; ejects; ejus
  1. These severally receive their appropriate names, and so gain clearness and precision as ejective images of the corresponding states experienced by the child itself.

  2. These, therefore, severally receive their appropriate denotations, and so gain clearness and precision as ejective images of the corresponding states experienced by the child itself.

  3. Indeed I will go further, and affirm that we have the best evidence which is derivable from what are necessarily ejective sources, to prove that no animal can possibly attain to these excellencies of subjective life.

  4. The following is a good example of ejective ideation in a brute—all the better, perhaps, on account of being so familiar.

  5. The logic of recepts furnishes both the infant and the animal with a marvellously efficient store of ejective information.

  6. All that such considerations go to prove is, that it belongs to the natural method of mental evolution in man that with advancing culture his ejective interpretations of Nature should more and more nearly approximate the truth.

  7. But inasmuch as--religious faith apart--we are not able to verify any such ejective interpretation, we are not able to estimate its value.

  8. Namely, that by regarding physical causation as everywhere but the objective or phenomenal aspect of an ejective or ontological reality, it furnishes a logical basis for a theory of things which is at the same time natural and spiritual.

  9. The ejective existence thus ascribed to society serves as a stepping-stone to the yet more vague and general ascription of such existence to the Cosmos.

  10. At first, indeed, or during the earliest stages of culture, the ascription of ejective existence to the external world is neither vague nor general: on the contrary, it is most distinct and specific.

  11. Yet, that the world, under the theory of Monism, is at least as susceptible of an ejective as it is of an objective interpretation, I trust that I have now been able to show.

  12. It applies with equal felicity to things and persons, to the objective and to the ejective realm.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ejective" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.