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Example sentences for "elped"

Lexicographically close words:
eloping; eloquence; eloquent; eloquentia; eloquently; elps; els; else; elsen; elsewhere
  1. Sometimes I've took care of women's children or 'elped 'em when they 'ad to lie up.

  2. If they had 'elped my missis outside it would be a easier dream to have.

  3. I'd ginger for a dozen, and I 'elped to bear the brunt; But Cheese and Crust!

  4. The trouble was they didn't see it theirselves, an' so I 'elped to open their eyes like.

  5. One place I was in the char 'elped 'erself to things an' it was me who was blamed fer it.

  6. They 'elped me to a chair when I got better, and I sat there 'elpless while the cap'n went on talking.

  7. Then he bathed 'is face very careful and 'elped Peter bathe his 'ead.

  8. Ted went fust to break her fall, in case the bus started off too sudden, and Charlie 'elped her down behind by catching hold of a lace collar she was wearing.

  9. He sat down and 'elped hisself out o' Sam Jones's baccy-box; and one or two got up on the quiet and went outside to listen to wot was going on down the road.

  10. He 'elped me to lift the boxes and put them in the dray.

  11. Bill 'elped 'im up at last and shook hands with 'im, and they rinsed their faces in the same bucket, and began to praise each other up.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "elped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.