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Example sentences for "enformyd"

Lexicographically close words:
enforces; enforceth; enforcing; enforme; enformed; enfourmed; enframe; enframed; enfranchise; enfranchised
  1. And where as I am enformyd that ye take hym nat for my servaunt, and so he ys noysed in the contrey ther, I woll that hit be knowin that I take hym as my servaunt, and so will do as long as I know no cause of the contrary.

  2. Item, as for your fader ys wyll, I wold ye shold take ryght gode counsell therin, as I am enformyd it may be prevyd, thogh no man take no charge thys twelfmonth.

  3. Paston and I werre with my Lord the Byshoppe of York, and enformyd hys Lordshyp of the entre that was made at Haylesdon in the Duk of Suffolks name.

  4. I enformyd yow for trouth, and as I wille prefe, that I was the principall doer and cause that both Maister Paston and myne oncle came fyrst yn the testament viij.

  5. Also consayll:--Robard Brandon and Colevyle have by meanys enformyd my lady that ye wold have gotyn Caster fro hyr by stronge hand, now thys frost whyll the mote is frosyn, in so myche that she was porposed to have sent thedyr R.

  6. My Lady and my grauntdam be com to London for the same mater; wherfor it wer well do that the jwgys wer enformyd of your mater befor they spok with theym.

  7. And as ye desyred me, so I enformyd hem the mater along, for they wist not of it til I told hem; and they wrete the more pleynerly inasmych as a worshypfull man rood the same day, and bare the letter to my seyd maister youre sone.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enformyd" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.