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Example sentences for "enformed"

Lexicographically close words:
enforcements; enforces; enforceth; enforcing; enforme; enformyd; enfourmed; enframe; enframed; enfranchise
  1. Also the Shereffe enformed us that he hath writyng from the Kyng that he shall make such a panell to aquyte the Lord Moleynes.

  2. I told hym that Gonnor had enformed hym as it plesyd hym, for I had yove hym no cause to compleyn of me, and if it pleased hym to her myn excuse he shuld fynd me in no defaute.

  3. Yet I was secretly enformed by a frend that he is in towne, secretly com in, and ment to retorne out to his barks to morrow, and so to enter at pleasure.

  4. The king sent Soyemon Dono and an other to know whether I ment to send goodes to Miaco and those partes; as he was enformed I did, contrary to themperours edict.

  5. I am enformed how the King of Fingo hath sent to Ikenaura and caused the man to be cut which began the brute with Mr. Eaton.

  6. I answerd them it was needles, yet in thend was content they should stay this night, till I had better enformed the king of the matter.

  7. And sowne after Taccamon Dono sent to me to exskeuse hym selfe, saying he was ill enformed of my matter by the passingers, and therefore craved pardon.

  8. One of Towans sonns, of Langasaque, came secretly to see the English howse, but I was enformed per one of our servantes whoe he was, and soe gave hym the best entertaynment I could.

  9. I was enformed by credible report of the Captaines and Masters themselues.

  10. Smoked with them, enformed them as we had all others above as well as we Could by Signs of our friendly intentions towards our red children Perticular those who opened their ears to our Councils.

  11. Likewise they haue enformed me touching the siluer mines which are found, that it is most true.

  12. Moreouer I am enformed that a noble man of France called The earle of Villa Dorca doth intend to come vpon this coast with a great fleete from Rochel.

  13. Englond/ and that y'e sawe gladly the Inhabitants of y'e same enformed in good.

  14. And after I enformed the juges of ther untrouthe and of ther gidyng, and of our gidyng in like wice.

  15. I hafe also, seth I came to Norwiche, enformed hym whate proffyt ease and avaylle I may help stand hem both yn my maister godes and yn hys lyvelode; yff he or hys frendys set littlle by it, I may nat do wyth all.

  16. And forasmuch as I am credibly enformed that my lord of Winchestre hath sent to you desiring that ye shold ensele dyvers writinges of graunt and relesse of your estat in alle such maners, londes and tenementes as late wer of J.

  17. Furthermore, hee enformed the Generall that hee could not with his small company withstand the Sauages, which went about dayly to annoy him: and that this was the cause of his returne into France.

  18. But nou to loken overmore, Of othre sterres hou thei fare I thenke hierafter to declare, So as king Alisandre in youthe Of him that suche thinges couthe Enformed was tofore his yhe Be nyhte upon the sterres hihe.

  19. And every man is othres lore; Of that befell in time er this The present time which now is May ben enformed hou it stod, And take that him thenketh good, 260 And leve that which is noght so.

  20. And John Jeney enformed me, and as I have verely lerned sethen, ye ar inbylled to be made knygth at this Coronacion.

  21. And like it yow to wyte, myn attorny, Raulyns, hathe enformed me that the Jugis have ruled processe to goo owte ayenst the priour of Hikelyng of distresse per omnia bona et catalla, of whiche the writte and other ar not yet come fro London.

  22. And wher ye shulde be enformed that I shulde sey to Howard[38.

  23. Then at the last being enformed of the meanes by the Angell, she said: Beholde the handmayd of the Lord, be it vnto me according to thy word.

  24. Collins, who enformed me of this discovery, sayd the lands are worth some thousands per annum, scil.

  25. I have heard Sir John Denham say (at Chalke, 1652), that he haz been well enformed that he was the most accomplished gentleman of his time.

  26. He was (as I am enformed by Seth Ward, Lord Bishop of Sarum, and other learned men) one of the best scholars and mathematicians of this age.

  27. I am enformed at the place where he dyed, which was by the Bankes side neer the then playhouse, that he was buryed about the middle of the Bullhead-churchyard--i.

  28. I have been enformed that about this time.

  29. Mr. Oughtred, more fully enformed him; and then he taught gentlemen in London, which was his livelyhood.

  30. At his comming to Vera Crux, his Captaine there enformed him how he had gone himselfe to know what they were, and from whence they came, and what they would, but coulde speake with none of them.

  31. Then he departed, and wente home to his Pallace, and there enformed himselfe particularlye who were Gentlemen, and who were not, and according therevnto, sent euery one particular gift or present.

  32. This done they set them down, and Cortez enformed him of the cause of their comming into that countrey as he had done in all other places where he had bin.

  33. These men had in their eares and noses bored holes, with rings of golde hangyng thereat, for so was the vse of Zempoallan: they enformed Cortez that the Cittie was neare at hande.

  34. I am enformed were there and then ‹saved› by the diligens and labours of the seruauntes of the said Thomas they beyng taken owt and by them savely kepte to their saide maisters vse by the space of viii or ix dayes.

  35. And also, cosyn, I am enformed that it is paied alredy to oon John Burnam, which is of sufficyency inow.

  36. I have wrytyn as yt have be enformed me, and wulle do.

  37. And [if] the Kyng and the lordis were wele enformed thei wuld considere the redilyer your hurtis.

  38. This was I secretly enformed of per a China, thinking I was an enemy to the Hollanders.

  39. This morning the fleet put to sea, but, as I am enformed from Capt.

  40. Yistarnight I was enformed that Francisco Lopas and a semenary prist were com to towne, and lodged in the howse of the capt.

  41. And I was enformed that Gonrok Dono hath promised the capt.

  42. I am enformed that Chinas and Japons have byn at Miaco before Ingo Dono, Lord Cheefe Justice of Japon, to complaine of the theevery of the Hollanders; and he asked them whether the English did not the lyke, which they said no.

  43. Harnando Ximenes saith he was enformed per a China which spoake Spanish how the other Chinas, which went in the junck of China Capt.

  44. I am enformed that Toba, the place wheare our goods have layne windbownd soe longe, is within 2 or 3 dayes jorney of Edo or Shrongo per land.

  45. I have been enformed since by some that goe a bird-batting in winter nights that the like hath been seen: but rarely.

  46. At Highworth, at the signe of the Bull, at one Hartwells, I have been credibly enformed is to be seen a scull of-a vast bignesse, scilicet half as big again as an ordinary one.

  47. But the Sultan Habib brooded over the disappearance of his governor and bespake his sire weeping bitter tears the while, "O my father, where be he who brought me up and enformed me with all manner knowledge?

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enformed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.