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Example sentences for "entitative"

Lexicographically close words:
entierly; entire; entirely; entireness; entirety; entities; entitle; entitled; entitles; entitling
  1. The answer will depend on the solution of the problem, just treated, whether sanctifying grace is primarily an entitative or an operative habit.

  2. An entitative habit (habitus entitativus) is an inherent quality by which a substance is rendered permanently good or bad, e.

  3. The Scholastics draw a distinction between entitative and operative habits.

  4. It follows from this that supernatural habits, both entitative and operative, can be imparted to the human soul in no other way than by infusion (or excitation) from above.

  5. Thus, in the soul there are the entitative habit of sanctifying grace and operative habits like science and virtue; while in the body are entitative habits of health, beauty, etc.

  6. All this (the Ramanuja replies) is about as profitable as it would be for a ruminant animal to ruminate upon ether; for an entitative ignorance is not more supposable than an absence of knowledge.

  7. The motion of all bodies, whether small or great, is due to the entitative force stored up in them, and the energy they exercise is in proportion to the stored-up force.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entitative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.