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Example sentences for "ethereally"

Lexicographically close words:
ethane; ethe; ether; ethereal; etherealized; etherial; etheric; etherization; ethers; ethic
  1. Between himself and the water he watched only the white swaying of a tall cluster of the great ethereally delicate snowy blossoms, since known as the Chilhowee lily.

  2. The landowner, the soldier, the priest, these three were pure from every stain of degradation, and only these three were quite absolutely and ethereally pure.

  3. The trade breeze had fallen away, and only a little cool air came down from the black Isleta hill, while fleecy mists drifted ethereally athwart the jagged peaks of the great cordillera.

  4. Her pink dotted mull was easily recognizable, though it had taken on a certain ethereally chic quality--as if a rosy cloud had been manipulated by French fingers.

  5. Far down in the valley lay a still blue lake with a great white peak shining ethereally at its northern end.

  6. Then she became conscious of the silver mist streaming ethereally athwart the sombre verdure from the river hollow, and that a new and pungent smell cut through the odours of dust and creosote which reeked along the track.

  7. She seemed to him almost ethereally dainty in the dust and turmoil of the big cargo shed, and for the moment he forgot his uncovered arms and neck, and felt every nerve in him thrill as he took the little gloved hand she held out.

  8. Then a vista of rolling hills rose to view, and was lost in mist again, until high above them all a great serrated rampart of never-melting snow gleamed ethereally against a strip of blue.

  9. From there he could see the white tops of the ranges gleaming ethereally as they stretched back mountain behind mountain towards the lonely North.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ethereally" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.