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Example sentences for "ethers"

Lexicographically close words:
etherealized; ethereally; etherial; etheric; etherization; ethic; ethical; ethically; ethics; ethmoid
  1. In one class the vital and dense bodies are so firmly cemented that the ethers cannot be extracted under any circumstances but remain with the dense body at all times and under all conditions from birth to death.

  2. Sensitives, separation of ethers in vital body of, 136.

  3. They may be prepared by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on the alcohols, alkyl sulphuric acids being first formed, which yield ethers on heating with alcohols.

  4. The ethers are neutral volatile liquids (the first member, methyl ether, is a gas at ordinary temperature).

  5. A mixture of cyanic and cyanuric ethers passes over into the receiver.

  6. Several substances are known under the name of ethers besides the true ethers or salts of ethyl, and are given below.

  7. It is from the presence of the two ethers that the spirit derives its characteristic smell and flavour.

  8. The compound ethers may be compared to ordinary salts in which the metal is replaced by a radical termed ethyl, having the formula C{2}H{5}.

  9. The compound ethers may be compared with ordinary salts in which the metal is replaced by the radical ethyl.

  10. Wine is essentially a dilute solution of ethyl alcohol, containing also certain small quantities of ethers and ethereal salts which give character and bouquet.

  11. Any one of the several complex ethers of ethyl and glycerin.

  12. Hofmann, and found to consist of solutions of certain ethers in alcohol.

  13. On further heating, a fluid of a very agreeable odor distils over, which is an alcoholic solution of the ethers of the volatile acids found in butter.

  14. However, for the sake of completeness, a brief description of the fabrication of the principal ethers used in their preparation shall here be given.

  15. The ethers are dissolved in various proportions in alcohol, according to the intensity of the odor which it is desired to obtain.

  16. Fruit ethers are fluids possessing an agreeable, refreshing odor closely resembling that of some fruits.

  17. Moreover, analysis of the urine, in cases of constipation, shows an excess of the sulpho-conjugate ethers which are known to be products of intestinal putrefaction.

  18. It has been shown that calomel, like some other purgatives, lessens intestinal putrefaction, the evidence being the decrease in the sulpho-conjugate ethers in the urine.

  19. The result of the various observations[135] shows that the acid lessens intestinal putrefaction and lowers the quantity of sulpho-conjugate ethers in the urine.

  20. Herter found a notable diminution of sulpho-conjugate ethers in the urine of dogs which had been treated with the lactic microbes.

  21. Ethers of iso-glycerin, or of homologues of iso-glycerin, appear to occur.

  22. We find that the generally received view that the fats are ethers of glycerin is partially correct, and that instances of a different kind of structure occur among the natural oils and fats.

  23. Defn: Any one of the several complex ethers of ethyl and glycerin.

  24. Defn: A white crystalline substance extracted from the fruit of the bay (Laurus nobilis), and consisting of a complex mixture of glycerin ethers of several organic acids.

  25. Note: Wine is essentially a dilute solution of ethyl alcohol, containing also certain small quantities of ethers and ethereal salts which give character and bouquet.

  26. The ethers of non-fermentable sugars are themselves non-fermentable.

  27. Fischer found that these ethers did not reduce Fehling's solution, neither did they combine with phenyl hydrazine at 100 deg.

  28. The things we see are but reflexes just appearing, while the ethers vibrate so and so, and when conditions change they disappear.

  29. And Holy Breath can raise the ethers of the fires to light in none but hearts of purity and love.

  30. The will is bridled by the flesh desires, and it brings not the ethers of the fires to vibrate into light.

  31. Forty years he spent in study and silent meditation, and then he found himself in that stage of spiritual consciousness that permitted him to enter the domain of these superfine ethers and become familiar with their mysteries.

  32. Force changes not, but power changes as the ethers change.

  33. The thoughts of God change not; the manifests of life on every plane unfold into perfection of their kind; and as the thoughts of God can never die, there is no death to any being of the seven ethers of the seven Spirits of the Triune God.

  34. These Spirits of the Triune God moved on the face of boundless space and seven ethers were, and every ether had its form of life.

  35. They did not know that he had power to turn the very ethers into bread.

  36. And his desires were strong; he sought to manifest on every plane of life, and for himself he made a body of the ethers of the earthy forms, and so descended to the plane of earth.

  37. And then he said, Let there be light; and with a mighty will he stirred the ethers up, and their vibrations reached the plane of light; and there was light.

  38. The three disciples were amazed, and suddenly the ethers were surcharged with song, and forms as light as air, moved all about the mountain top.

  39. Lift up your heads, you men of Greece; the time will come when Greece will breathe the ethers of the Holy Breath, and be a main spring of the spirit power of earth.

  40. In turn, the man of science must go through the Copernican process, and learn to subordinate his atoms and ethers to consciousness before he can become a metaphysician.

  41. We cannot partition off the external world to the plain man, the atoms and ethers to the man of science, leaving the metaphysician in exclusive and solitary possession of the world of consciousness.

  42. How at the poles opposing Ethers dwell, Attract the quivering needle, or repel.

  43. Additional Note, and also so exactly resembles the method of producing a separation and consequent accumulation of the two electric ethers by pressing a cushion on glass or on sealing wax, described in No.

  44. It is nevertheless possible, that friction on both sealing wax and glass may add some facility to the accumulations of their opposite ethers by the warmth which it occasions.

  45. There can be no use in the ethers and imaginary fluids to which some persons refer the phenomena of heat, light, electricity and magnetism.

  46. We may also notice that thio-ethers combine with alkyl iodides to form sulphine or sulphonium compounds, R3:SI.

  47. In the higher registrations he becomes cosmo-voyant and cosmo-audient, he can see and hear through space and through ethers as the common eye looks through air.

  48. Pabst discusses the different stages in the formation of compound ethers, as Williamson has explained the production of ordinary ethers by the action of sulphuric acid upon alcohol.

  49. Pabst has observed that the compound ethers are formed in an analogous manner.

  50. Dumas continued the researches upon ethers which he had commenced at Geneva, and by the year 1829 or so he had established the relations which exist between ethers and alcohols on the one hand, and ethers and acids on the other.

  51. It is well known that nearly all of the ethers have more or less of anesthetic property, coupled with many dangers and disadvantages.

  52. The first products obtained contain ethers and impure alcohols, which are collected in the reservoir, E.

  53. Bad tasting alcohols, containing the majority of the ethers and impure alcohols.

  54. Plenty of compressed air should be used, as the compound nitric ethers which are formed are thus got rid of.

  55. Field groups the solvents of pyroxyline into classes thus: Two of the monohydric alcohols; compound ethers of the fatty acids with monohydric alcohols, aldehydes; simple and mixed ketones of the fatty acid series.

  56. The nitro-cellulose produced by this formula is very insoluble in the compound ethers and other solvents of pyroxyline, and is seemingly only converted or gelatinised by the action of the solvent.

  57. He regards them as true ethers (esters) of nitric acid.

  58. As regards the atmospheres, which are called ethers and airs, they are alike in both worlds, the spiritual and the natural, with the difference only that they are spiritual in the spiritual world, and natural in the natural world.

  59. These Ethers became a scientific scandal, and caused a lax mode of thinking among students of those times.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ethers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.