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Example sentences for "euhemeristic"

Lexicographically close words:
eugenic; eugenical; eugenically; eugenist; eugenists; euidence; euident; euidentlie; euidently; euil
  1. This latter view may be a bit of euhemeristic rationalism.

  2. Even when Greek mythical stories are introduced, as in the euhemeristic description of the origin of the Greek dynasties of gods in the third book, the whole is conceived under the forms of Jewish or Christian thought.

  3. On another side the vast accumulation of the religious ideas and usages of lower tribes led Herbert Spencer to his euhemeristic view.

  4. He is giving his own euhemeristic guess as if it were matter of fact, and this is a common custom with even the more intelligent of the early missionaries.

  5. It is necessary, however, to discount the theories of Sahagun and his converts, who though they never heard of Euhemerus, habitually applied the euhemeristic doctrine to their facts.

  6. The Euhemeristic theory that he was a ghost of a dead man is absurd.

  7. These are not statements of fact, but of Chinese Euhemeristic theory.

  8. Euhemerism, in fact, is a natural theory of men acquainted with ancestor-worship, but a Euhemeristic hypothesis by a Polynesian thinker is not a statement of national belief.

  9. All Mexican and European statements make him appear as the god of the air and of the wind; even the euhemeristic idea deifies the man Quetzalcoatl into a god of the air.

  10. Of all these cobwebs spun by the spiders of sciolism, the Euhemeristic or Spencerian view--that Gladstone is an historical personage--has attracted most attention.

  11. The allegories are mostly moral, but also physical; Euhemeristic interpretations are not rejected either, and in several places the author gives all three explanations side by side without choosing between them.

  12. For not only was the contemplated apotheosis of Tullia in itself a Euhemeristic idea, but Cicero also expressly defended it with Euhemeristic arguments, though speaking as if the departed who were worshipped as gods really had become gods.

  13. In those acquainted with Greek thought it is combined with Euhemeristic ideas: the images represent dead men.

  14. Alongside of Hebraism, which is Euhemeristic in principle, allegorical methods of interpretation were put forward.

  15. At any rate Banier, who, in the beginning of the eighteenth century, treated ancient mythology from a Euhemeristic point of view, gave some consideration to it.

  16. While these attempts at interpretation, both the Euhemeristic and the allegorical, are in principle a direct continuation of those of antiquity, another method points plainly in the direction of the fantastic notions of the Middle Ages.

  17. The Euhemeristic school gradually gave up the hypothesis of the Jewish religion as the origin of paganism; Banier, the chief representative of the school, still argues at length against Hebraism.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euhemeristic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.