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Example sentences for "executores"

Lexicographically close words:
executioners; executions; executive; executives; executor; executors; executorship; executory; executours; executrix
  1. Certain disorders have received their names from causes proper to them.

  2. The hemisphere above the earth is that part of the heavens the whole of which is seen by us; the hemisphere under the earth is that which cannot be seen as long as it is under the earth.

  3. Because of its importance in the history of law, this book of the Etymologies has been subjected to more detailed study than any other, but in spite of this its sources have not been clearly determined.

  4. They have also placed among the stars of heaven an eagle and a swan, in memory of Jove, because of the myths about him.

  5. Although the profession appeared among them in the second century B.

  6. Febris (fever) is derived from fervor, for it is an excess of heat.

  7. It is of interest that in 643 the fourth synod of Toledo passed an enactment to secure a common observance of Easter throughout the Spanish churches, no doubt according to this Easter-table.

  8. Stars are motionless, and being fixed are carried along by the heavens in perpetual course, and they do not set by day but are obscured by the brilliance of the sun.

  9. According as stars are carried on different orbits of the heavenly planets, certain ones rise earlier and set later, and certain rising later come to their setting earlier.

  10. Those are borne along which are fixed in the heavens and revolve with the heavens.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "executores" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.