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Example sentences for "executions"

Lexicographically close words:
executeth; executing; execution; executioner; executioners; executive; executives; executor; executores; executors
  1. The leading monster of these executions was Thomas Dixon, a relative of the priest, and he may well be described as a fiend in human form.

  2. The executions took place upon the bridge, and they were hurried over with little consideration to the last moments of the dying, or to the feelings of relations who survived them.

  3. Although these were the only executions of the kind here in the seventeenth century, the evidence is but too clear that the authorities conceived it to be their duty to put down this form of opinion with the severest rigour.

  4. To keep such a body of soldiers in order, when governed by the principles we have described, the utmost rigor is necessary, and military executions are very frequent.

  5. The writer witnessed one of these military executions in the rear of the barracks that make the seaward side of the Plaza de Armas, one fine summer's morning.

  6. The executions at La Roquette, without preparation, without discussion or preliminary trial, were a thousand times more monstrous than the executions of the Revolutionary tribunal.

  7. This is the manner in which he presided over executions under the Commune of Paris.

  8. The recent barbarous executions in France, in cold blood, six months after all struggles are over, and the ferocity with which the conquerors pursue their victims, are a disgrace and shame to humanity.

  9. In the futile Concordia of Catalonia in 1599, it was provided that levies and executions for all taxes and imposts could be made on familiars and commissioners by the ordinary officers of justice.

  10. If Juan I was unable to prevent the massacres he at least was determined not to let them pass unpunished; many executions followed and some commutations for money payments were granted.

  11. Reasoning and better education would have sufficed in Europe for the extirpation of such an extravagance; but executions were employed instead of reasoning.

  12. He gives an account of all the executions to which he condemned wizards and witches, and the number is very considerable.

  13. But even previously to this executions had taken place at Tyburn, and soon Tyburn became the recognised place of execution.

  14. Many other executions were held in those fields, notably those of Babington and his accomplices in 1586, fourteen in all.

  15. All executions do not take place on the scaffold; and men, from the moment they are in a body, whether in mobs or in senates, have always a ready executioner amongst them, called sarcasm.

  16. The renewal of executions is a great sign of power in the executive authority.

  17. It was well adapted to perplex the nation or raise up competitors, while, however, it reminded them "of the slaughter and the executions of the nobility of England.

  18. Did the terrific executions eradicate the political mischief?

  19. Secret executions were rarely resorted to, and generally with the object of saving the prestige of the nobility by withdrawing from the public gaze the disgrace of an honoured name.

  20. Even with these judicial executions the people interfered, cutting off the heads of the victims, using them for footballs, and finally burning them.

  21. Bundes-Executions Ordnung) armed with power to make the decrees of the diet and the judgments of the high court effective; (d) the facilitation of commercial intercourse within the confederation in accordance with article XIX.

  22. In Holland there have been no executions since 1860.

  23. A few hours after receiving this letter the turnkey brought to the prisoners the bulletin of the executions of the preceding day.

  24. The month of April, as already said, had brought the number of prisoners in Paris to eight thousand; the month of April had therefore more executions to engrave with its bloody pen into the annals of history.

  25. He incited France to civil war, applauded the methods of Alva, deposed Elizabeth, and by incessant executions strove to maintain public decency and orthodox religion.

  26. But executions were frequent only in Rome.

  27. In the executions which resulted from these even women were not spared.

  28. Therefore all these executions manu militari, before the tribunals had pronounced, were another flagrant violation of law.

  29. To-day sixteen Commissions composed of their most trusted members are masticating the execution of the Associations Bill, or rather the wholesale executions of this guillotine seche which are imminent.

  30. All these grotesque executions manu militari represent one of the most recent violations of the law, wholly gratuitous in this instance, seeing that the Government had itself traced the method of procedure.

  31. He held up his hand and pointed across the street, and away across the enclosure where the executions had taken place, to the forest beyond, and as he pointed there came the call of a man in pain, strong and clear, and full of power.

  32. Whippings, drummings out of the service, and even military executions were more frequent in the Revolution than at any subsequent period of our history.

  33. Executions of criminals, observations on them, vi.

  34. Lord Chancellor and others, with Thoughts on the Executions of the Rioters in 1780, vi.

  35. Old Testament is full, cannot believe in Christ's moral law; a man who believes in the doctrine and the preaching of the church about the compatibility of executions and wars with Christianity, cannot believe in the brotherhood of men.

  36. Ninety-nine hundredths of the evil of the world, from the Inquisition to dynamite bombs and the executions and sufferings of tens of thousands of so-called political criminals, are based on this reflection.

  37. It is impossible not to feel that many of these executions were dictated, not by motives of policy or loyalty, but by vindictiveness.

  38. And so the trials and executions of the wretched rebels continued.

  39. The President has ordered our generals in Missouri, if the Yankee accounts of the executions of our people be true, to execute the next ten Federal officers taken in that State.

  40. He says executions are necessary to keep the army together, but he feels the painfulness of the sad necessity.

  41. But it is said he is opposed to the retaliatory executions ordered by the President, which, if persisted in, must involve the life of his son, now in the hands of the enemy.

  42. I see, too, their papers have extravagant accounts of imprisonments and summary executions here.

  43. The populace, indifferent to the sight of two or three executions a day, gathered with common impulse to witness these men, long lifted above their heads, go down to their death in humiliation and disgrace.

  44. In the lull between executions Dossonville heard a snore.

  45. Twenty executions a day would not satisfy me.

  46. Sometimes executions took place in town--a grand day for the taverns.

  47. On the occasion of an execution a crowd gathers outside our jails merely to see the black flag run up which signals that the deed is done; and in the old days of public executions such an event always attracted an enormous crowd.

  48. In the Roman army it seems to have been a rule that, when executions were carried out by soldiers, the effects of the criminals fell as perquisites to those who did the work.

  49. Both among the Jews and the Romans executions took place outside the gate of the city.

  50. In modern executions the greatest pains are taken to make death as nearly as possible instantaneous, and any bungling which prolongs the agony excites indignation and horror in the public mind.

  51. In this country executions are now carried out in private, inside the walls of the prison in which the criminal has been confined.

  52. On that disastrous day when public executions were abolished, private executions were renewed and ratified, perhaps forever.

  53. It is very likely (to speak in the manner foolishly called Irish) that if there were public executions there would be no executions.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "executions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.