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Example sentences for "facto"

Lexicographically close words:
factious; factiousness; factis; factitious; factly; factor; factories; factors; factory; factotum
  1. We do not know that it has ever been a point in dispute, whether the Kings of England were ipso facto Kings in, and over, this colony, or province.

  2. And being asked where he had this sentence, that othes are comonlie spurned aside when they ly in the way to honur or reveng, saith that the speach is of his own, as thinges done de facto et non de jure.

  3. The collapse of Yugoslavia ended transfer payments from the center and eliminated advantages from inclusion in a de facto free trade area.

  4. The broad fact is that in not a single country could the Reformation have been accomplished without enlisting the powerful classes or corporations, or alternatively the de facto governments, by proffering the plunder of the Church.

  5. Wherever conduct is a matter of sheer obedience to a superhuman code, it is ipso facto uncritical and unprogressive.

  6. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed.

  7. Ridgeway we may refer to the account of the Livonians given by Bartholomaeus Anglicus, De Proprietatibus Rerum, XV 88: mortuorum cadauera tumulo non tradebant, sed populus facto rogo maximo usque ad cineres comburebat.

  8. FYROM's large Albanian minority and the de facto independence of neighboring Kosovo continue to be sources of ethnic tension.

  9. Ex post facto laws are held to be contrary to the fundamental principles of a free government, and the States are prohibited from passing such laws by the Constitution of the United States.

  10. They were so acting in the absence of the de facto sergeants.

  11. The object of =referre= is =de facto quid iudicetis=, etc.

  12. Up to this time the Government of India had always acknowledged the de facto Rajah of Manipur, and revolutions with much accompanying bloodshed were common.

  13. This probably made the latter recall him to public life, so as to keep him under his eye; anyhow, he was by force of circumstances obliged, however unwillingly, to act as a loyal subject of his own de facto chief.

  14. No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

  15. A good stealer, a good user of what he takes, is ipso facto a good inventor.

  16. Ipso facto that it does it, it knows how to do it, and ipso facto that it knows how to do it, it has done it before.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "facto" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

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