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Example sentences for "faimily"

Lexicographically close words:
faille; fails; failure; failures; faim; fain; faine; faineant; fained; faining
  1. He preached himsel in the kitchen, an' bapteezed his faimily in the mill dam.

  2. Sit down, Mrs Courthope," he said; "I want to ask you about a story I have a vague recollection of hearing when I spent a summer at this house some twenty years ago.

  3. It taks a faimily that hauds on throu' centeries in a hoose whaur things gether, to mak sic an unaccoontable getherin' o' buiks as that.

  4. I canna un'erstan' hoo the last o' sic an auld faimily sud na hae a han' held oot to help them!

  5. Glenwarlock, the faimily o' Warlock sud never thrive frae that day to this!

  6. I canna beggar my faimily to haud up her muckle hoose.

  7. And the lassie canna want it till she has a faimily to hae worship wi'.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faimily" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.