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Example sentences for "famly"

Lexicographically close words:
famine; famines; famish; famished; famishing; famosa; famoso; famous; famously; famulis
  1. Dey only had us one famly o' slaves but dey wuz a good many er us.

  2. My mammy carried de name Logan 'cause dat wuz de famly she belonged to fo' Masta' bought her down in Buckskull, Arkansas.

  3. We wuz de only slave famly Masta' had en he wuz good to us.

  4. Immagin when these unfortnat members of my famly hentered the room: you may phansy the ixtonnishment of the nobil company presnt.

  5. He wanted to find out from her all she knew about the famly money matters, and settle at once which of the two Griffinses he should marry.

  6. With an English famly this would have been easy: a look at a will at Doctor Commons'es would settle the matter at once.

  7. A bishop might almost have preached out of one, or a modrat-sized famly slep in it.

  8. For it seemed as if which of the Shum famly should try to snub the poor thing most.

  9. Before the house was a little garden, where the washin of the famly was all ways hanging.

  10. The Doctor was a famly man: "That I will," says he.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "famly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.