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Example sentences for "fango"

Lexicographically close words:
fanfare; fanfares; fang; fanged; fangled; fangs; fanlight; fanlike; fann; fanne
  1. Then he went as before, with Fango and Minkie in pursuit.

  2. Within fifty yards Fango scored a turn, and the race was right back to the start.

  3. At this turn of affairs Fango retired into Numidia, where he accorded harsh treatment to the people of Cirta because they despised him on seeing his condition.

  4. Later Fango watched until Sextius, trusting in the truce, was free from fear, and invaded Africa.

  5. Arabio fled to Sextius and Fango demanded his surrender.

  6. When as they retired they ascertained what had happened, they came to blows again, the Numidians were routed, and Fango temporarily fled to the mountains.

  7. The effect is even more intense if a burning torch is moved about over one of the boiling fango holes.

  8. We recall the fact that the whole Solfatara phenomenon had its origin in a flame being swayed over one of the fango holes.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fango" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.