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Example sentences for "fattens"

Lexicographically close words:
fatte; fatted; fatten; fattened; fattening; fatter; fattest; fatti; fatting; fattish
  1. The leporide fattens rapidly, and with but little expenditure of food.

  2. It fattens early, and produces about 25 lbs.

  3. Folly sows broad cast; Wisdom gathers in, And so the wise man fattens on the fool, And from the follies of the foolish learns Wisdom to guide himself and bridle them.

  4. A bare pasture enriches not the soil, nor fattens the animals, nor increases the wealth of the owner.

  5. I was of the lambs of the holy flock[2] which Dominic leads along the way where one fattens well if he stray not.

  6. He that has but one pig easily fattens it.

  7. The whole mercantile class fattens on the ignorance of this neglected science--fattens by selling at high prices to those who do not know what they want or how much they should pay.

  8. A cross between the Suffolk and Lincoln has produced a hardy animal, which fattens kindly, and attains the weight of from four hundred to five hundred and fifty, and even seven hundred pounds.

  9. Among its varieties, the short-legged, with width and substance of loin, is the most hardy, and fattens the most expeditiously.

  10. Why, ma'am, you said some time ago that the pony looked thin, so lately I have always mixed sugar with his corn; nothing fattens a horse like sugar.

  11. Yet not the lightest leaf That quivers to the passing breeze 270 Is less instinct with thee: Yet not the meanest worm That lurks in graves and fattens on the dead Less shares thy eternal breath.

  12. Notwithstanding its delicacy, the Ortolan fattens very fast; and it is this lump of fatness that is its merit, and has sometimes caused it to be preferred to the Becafico.

  13. There feasts and fattens the Clam, a bivalve so gigantic that no oyster-knife can force an entrance, and only when his shell is almost red-hot will he be at last constrained to open his dwelling.

  14. While all stock fattens rapidly on the Peanut, it must be confessed that the fat is not always of the best quality.

  15. He gets a valuable staple to sell, and one that always commands the ready cash, he fattens his hogs on the pods left in the ground, and he secures a large amount of very good hay in the vines.

  16. The king of Altamonte fattens a louse so much that it grows to the size of a wether.

  17. The cat makes its meals upon them every day, by inducing one or two to accompany it to the river, and fattens exceedingly fast, whilst the mice diminish every day.

  18. Nothing but the lust that is insatiable, the desire that fattens on the poisons it eats.

  19. It fattens on those men and women who have already been fleeced by the way of the social evil and on those who have not fallen victims to that sin, and whose besetting sin is gambling.

  20. The Robber who had a Witch's Head"), a king with three daughters fattens a louse and nails its skin over the door as in the Pentamerone.

  21. It fattens my leanest self to keep that in my constant remembrance.

  22. Trade thrives and the land fattens under the rule of a roue.

  23. He was as proud as Lucifer, but his was not that kind of pride which fattens itself, ghoul-like, upon the dead.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fattens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.