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Example sentences for "fatted"

Lexicographically close words:
fatorum; fats; fatt; fatta; fatte; fatten; fattened; fattening; fattens; fatter
  1. Thus Mandáit, the soul spirit, makes the babe restless, and even indisposed, with no other intention than to induce the people to provide a fatted fowl.

  2. But no, the owner of the house and his party refuse, and all this while the fatted pig lies in big black chunks on the floor, surrounded by rice in platters, baskets, and leaves.

  3. I suppose I looked a scarecrow; anyhow, he was broken up about it, and killed the fatted calf--killed it for an unrepentant prodigal.

  4. Living there, consorting with the people who were doing the real thinking of the age, remote from the fatted bourgeoisie, she would really be able to influence opinion and to find a scope for her remarkable gifts and abilities.

  5. And he said unto him, 'Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.

  6. But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.

  7. And if the fatted calf was not killed for Gethin's return, a fine goose was, and no happier family sat down to their midday meal that day in all Wales than the household of Garthowen.

  8. Will," said one man to his neighbour, "the reaping would have been thrown to the winds, and we would have had a grand supper on the fatted calf.

  9. And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.

  10. But as soon as this, thy son, who has squandered his living with harlots, is returned, thou hast had the fatted calf killed for him.

  11. It is folly to be wise and virtuous, since the fatted calf is to be killed for the most debauched.

  12. He would go back like the prodigal--not to eat the fatted calf, but to sit at the feet of Peters and learn from him the secret of successful estate management.

  13. She'll kill the fatted calf and put a halo of glory round your head and invite in all the neighbours 'for this my prodigal husband has returned to me!

  14. Not if I know it," the Major rose, "I'm going to share the fatted calf.

  15. I swear 'tis a fatted hog this England: with fewer than ten thousand Highlanders I have made her thrill at the very vitals.

  16. The man was a fatted sow to look on, and by no means engaging in his manner to myself, but what was I and what my state that I should be too particular?

  17. FN#26] The British reader will be shocked to hear that by the term “fatted ass” the intellectual lady alluded to her husband.

  18. Maysunah departed with her son Yazid, and did not return to Damascus till the “fatted ass” had joined his forefathers.

  19. The absentees returned home in troops, finding that in their mother's mansion were many fatted calves; and vied with one another, in the matter of Italian stuccoists and Parisian painters, for the display of a genteel taste.

  20. As is usual when the fatted calf is killed for a medicine man he takes that occasion to be an hour late--an emergency case at the last minute, or some one at the office that it took an unreasonable time to get through with.

  21. So far from killing fatted calves for them, the bishops in 1209 burned no less than ten in Paris for too great intimacy with Arab and Jew disciples of Aristotle.

  22. The fatted calf is killed, the feast is begun, and the elder son, whom the malicious student would name Bernard, appears in order to make protest.

  23. We must kill the fatted calf, Nannie--indeed we must.

  24. There was also the fatted calf to be provided: Julius must go across to the mainland and hunt down a wild turkey.

  25. Her impulse to kill fatted calves suddenly struck her as the act of a mad woman.

  26. But now she killed the fatted calf with trembling hands, and made haste to set out a reverend supper in Cuckoo's parlour to welcome her on her return.

  27. Without its paraphernalia of subtle double relishes, a “starved turtle,” has not more intrinsic sapidity than a “fatted calf.

  28. Whiles it is called "fatlings, and a fatted and fed calf.

  29. But the old gentleman replied that, being completely bald, Sir Toady had better consider himself as a new returned prodigal, and use the five shillings "to kill the fatted calf"!

  30. And I shall carry a little roast veal, just a sort of specimen of the fatted calf, with me to town.

  31. After the fatted calf had been duly potted, friend of the family arrives.

  32. The fatted calf is doomed, and she must stay for the feast.

  33. So the prodigal came home, and the fatted calf was killed for him, and he was made as happy as two simple women could make him.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fatted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.