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Example sentences for "fats"

Lexicographically close words:
fatis; fatlings; fatness; fato; fatorum; fatt; fatta; fatte; fatted; fatten
  1. But the law does not forbid condiments made from animal fats (e.

  2. Filled cheeses are those from which the milk-fat has been removed and other animal fats substituted.

  3. The principal sources indicated for butyric and caproic acids were fats and proteins.

  4. Then other animal fats were substituted for the milk-fat.

  5. Nearly all fats contain members belonging to one of the three series of fatty acids, e.

  6. These conditions are fulfilled with regard to the examination of animal fats and soap.

  7. Fats were scarce, sugars were rare, starches were controlled by the food board.

  8. Fats are not very rich in salts, which must be supplied by other foods.

  9. The starch, which is the chief ingredient of cereals, is easily obtained from tubers and legumes; fats and sugars will take its place.

  10. Fats are obtained most plentifully from nuts, legumes, dairy products and animal foods.

  11. Because of their great fuel value, more fats are naturally consumed in cold than in hot climates.

  12. Fats and oils, no matter what their source, are concentrated foods which furnish heat and energy when burned in the body.

  13. Because fats are so concentrated it is very easy to take too much of them.

  14. Oils and fats are the most concentrated foods we have.

  15. Fats and oils are used too much in cooking.

  16. The cheeses are rich or poor in protein and fats according to method of making.

  17. When these fats are boiled with soda, potash, or metallic oxides, a combination of the oxide and fatty acid takes place, and this constitutes soap.

  18. However, fats that are less expensive than butter are perfectly satisfactory for greasing pans, and so butter should not be used unless other fats are not available.

  19. As has already been learned, fats may be clarified and freed of their odor by first heating them and then allowing a few slices of raw potato to become hot in them.

  20. Certain fats left over from various cooking processes in the home can be utilized to advantage in the making of pastry.

  21. In case merely shortening is mentioned, any fat or mixture of fats preferred may be used.

  22. There are, of course, other fats that may be used to advantage either as part or all of the fat required.

  23. Oleomargarine of various kinds, Crisco, and even some of the liquid fats are very satisfactory, especially in the making of cookies.

  24. The authors give two different processes for the determination of animal or vegetable oils or fats and hydrocarbon or other neutral oils.

  25. The amount of fats the hen eats is unimportant because she makes starch into fat.

  26. Of fats there are many kinds of which the composition is definitely known.

  27. This theory has been definitely disproved and it is now known that fats enter the blood only after a chemical splitting into glycerol and fatty acids, the latter being, to a large extent, combined with alkalies in the form of soaps.

  28. As a food its value will consist in the fats it contains.

  29. The liquid petrolatum has since become known under a variety of names, proprietary and otherwise, in addition to being used as a substitute or an adulterant for other, more costly, fats and oils.

  30. On the whole, we must conclude with Cushny that “cod-liver oil has not been shown to have any action apart from that of an easily digested food, and its superiority to some other fats and oils has not been satisfactorily established.

  31. Sevetol There was a time, perhaps a generation ago, when physiologists taught that fats were absorbed into the blood in the form of a fine emulsion.

  32. In relation to the fats or oils, and how generally consumed?

  33. The following table gives the daily intake of proteids, fats and carbohydrates for six days, together with the calculated fuel value, and also the nitrogen intake, together with the nitrogen output through the excreta.

  34. FATTY ACIDS, the homologues of formic and acetic acid; so called because the members first studied were obtained from fats and oils, e.

  35. So far as we are aware, it is not known whether fats do actually expand before and after reaching the point of congelation or not, and we shall feel an interest in having the question positively settled by the scientists.

  36. Fats consolidate at a much higher temperature than water, and he thinks the same law of expansion may intervene in both cases.

  37. We do not have to cut the fats and phosphates out with acid, nor to dry all the moisture out by fine cutting and high scalding or long scalding.

  38. This makes it somewhat difficult to separate the fats from the milk for the purposes of butter making.

  39. If permitted to get into the milk, filth cannot be entirely strained out, and hence some of its odors and flavors will linger in the fats of the milk and appear in the product manufactured from it.

  40. Any subsequent exposure to the air soon throws the butter off flavor, the oxygen mingling with the fats alone while the cream is rising and still sweet.

  41. There had to be, in other words, a constant bringing in of enough wheat and flour to supply three fourths of the bread-needs of the whole country, and another large fraction of the necessary fats and milk and rice and beans and other staples.

  42. A Practical Manual of Modern Method of Utilisation of Fats and Oils in the Manufacture of Soap and Candles, and of the recovery of Glycerine.

  43. Fats and waxes are more or less related, but to distinguish them carefully would lead far afield into the complexities of organic chemistry.

  44. Inasmuch as the former is liquid at ordinary temperatures and the others are solid, it follows that the consistency or solidity of fats depend upon the relative proportions of the three constituents.

  45. Many primitive uses of vegetable and animal fats were forerunners of the oil-lamp.

  46. Fats are glycerides; that is, combinations of oleic, palmetic, and stearic acids.

  47. When the demands of civilization increased, extensive efforts were made to obtain the required fats and oils.

  48. It is obtained by breaking up chemically the glycerides of animal fats and separating the fatty acids from glycerin.

  49. Before man discovered that nature had stored a tremendous supply of mineral oil in the earth he was obliged to hunt broadcast for fats and waxes to supply him with artificial light.

  50. He also was obliged to endure unpleasant odors from the crude fuels and in early experiments with fats and waxes the odor was carefully noted as an important factor.

  51. Added to this, in the latter case, is the fact that the linseed oil, and the varnish prepared from it, acquire the property of losing their fats when they are dried in the air, and thus will take color poorly or not at all.

  52. The cause of both phenomena is that in the first case the fats that lie deep gradually work upward into the partly prepared surface and practically reestablish their interrupted communication with the printing-color.

  53. The solid fats are derived chiefly from animals, and the oils are obtained mostly from plants.

  54. While awaiting oxidation at the cells, the carbohydrates and fats are stored up by the body, the carbohydrates as glycogen and the fats as some form of fat.

  55. Since neither fats nor carbohydrates contain nitrogen, they are frequently classed together as non-nitrogenous foods.

  56. The fats used as foods belong to one or the other of two classes, known as solid fats and oils.

  57. Butter, the fat of meats, olive oil, and the oil of nuts are the fats of greatest importance as foods.

  58. The most hygienic diet is the one which supplies the proteids in sufficient quantity to rebuild the tissues and the carbohydrates and fats in the right amounts to supply the body with energy.

  59. Why are proteids called nitrogenous foods and fats and carbohydrates non-nitrogenous foods?

  60. Proteids, carbohydrates, and fats are the nutrients that supply most of the body’s nourishment.

  61. All kinds of fats are good for frying except mutton fat, turkey fat, and fat from smoked meats; these can be used for making soap, as directed on page 259.

  62. TO TRY OUT SUET AND OTHER FATS Cut the fat into pieces, place it in a shallow pan over moderate heat until the fat is melted, then strain it through a cloth.

  63. Sidenote: Exposure to extreme cold or exertion] If one is to be exposed to extreme cold, an excess of fats should be taken, beginning thirty-six hours before exposure.

  64. The student should bear in mind that carbohydrates, proteids, and fats are the most important factors in the winter dietary.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fats" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.