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Example sentences for "feutred"

Lexicographically close words:
feuds; feuillage; feuille; feuilleton; feus; feux; fever; fevered; feverfew; feverish
  1. Cliges, with feutred lance, has made a charge which pleased her; and he strikes one Saxon and then another so that with one single charge he has made them both bite the dust, and splinters his ashen lance.

  2. That saw Sir Dinadan, and he feutred his spear, and ran to one of Berluse's fellows, and smote him down off his saddle.

  3. So Sir Agravaine feutred his spear, and that other was ready, and smote him down over his horse to the earth.

  4. And then they feutred their spears, and this knight came so eagerly that he smote down Sir Uwaine.

  5. Then King Mark was ashamed, and therewith he feutred his spear, and hurtled to Sir Trian, and either brake their spears all to pieces, and passed through anon.

  6. But yet they feutred their spears, and the white knight overthrew Sir Frol, and then he rode his way a soft pace.

  7. Then Sir Launcelot feutred his spear, and smote the foremost that he brake his back in sunder, and three of them hit and three failed.

  8. Then king Mark was ashamed, and therewith he feutred his spear, and hurtled to Sir Trian, and either brake their spears all to pieces, and passed through anon.

  9. So saying, he smiled his wry and twisted smile and closed his vizor: then, with shield addressed and feet thrust far within the stirrups he lightly feutred his deadly lance; and behold!

  10. So Sir Launcelot turned him, and either feutred their spears, and came together with all their mights, and Sir Gaunter's spear brake, but Sir Launcelot smote him down horse and man.

  11. And anon Sir Palamides espied him, and therewith he feutred a spear unto Sir Tramtrist, and he again unto him.

  12. And then they feutred their spears and hurled together so strongly that both their horses rashed to the earth.

  13. Therewith Sir Launcelot was ware and knew him well, and feutred his spear against him, and smote Sir Sagramour so sore that horse and man fell both to the earth.

  14. When Sir Gawaine espied this gay knight, he feutred his spear, and rode straight to him, and demanded of him from whence that he was.

  15. That needeth not, said the White Knight, for I have no lust to joust with thee; but yet they feutred their spears, and the White Knight overthrew Sir Frol, and then he rode his way a soft pace.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feutred" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.