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Example sentences for "fili"

Lexicographically close words:
file; filed; files; filet; filets; filia; filiae; filial; filiam; filiation
  1. One Monk of a taciturn nature distinguishes himself among these babbling ones: the name of him Samson; he that answered Jocelin, "Fili mi, a burnt child shuns the fire.

  2. And tho was he called in contre Of the comune peple, For the dedes that he dide, Fili David, Jhesus.

  3. During the restoration a granite monumental stone was unearthed, of Romano-British character; it has been placed in the wall outside the tower, and its inscription reads Conectoci fili Tegerno Mali.

  4. Eval is a saint not easy to identify; there is an inscribed stone in Pembrokeshire giving the name Evali fili Dencui, so that he may have been a missionary from South Wales.

  5. I cried in my heart with David, Fili mi, Fili mi; quis mihi tribuat ut ego moriar pro te, fili mi, fili mi?

  6. At the council at Fili the prevailing thought in the minds of the Russian commanders was the one naturally suggesting itself, namely, a direct retreat by the Nizhni road.

  7. Cicero’s appreciation of Carbo’s patris dictum sapiens temeritas fili comprobavit may be instructively compared with Dionysius’ attitude towards the general question of good and bad rhythms.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fili" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bard; jongleur; laureate; librettist; maker; minstrel; modernist; poet; rhapsodist; satirist; troubadour; wait

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    filial duty; filial obedience; filial piety