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Example sentences for "flameless"

Lexicographically close words:
flambeau; flambeaux; flamboyant; flame; flamed; flamelets; flamelike; flamen; flamenco; flamens
  1. Thought, yearning toward those olden Dear hours that sorrow sees and sees not shine, Bows tearless down before a flameless shrine: A flameless altar here of life and sorrow Quenched and consumed together.

  2. Chill August, pale September, Endured a woful while, And fell as falls an ember From forth a flameless pile: But golden-girt November Bids all she looks on smile.

  3. A] The variety known as Flameless Securite consists of a mixture of nitrate and oxalate of ammonia and di-nitro-benzol.

  4. Besides these there are the so-called flameless or safety explosives, used in collieries where inflammable gases are given off from the coal.

  5. Dynamites and flameless explosives are made in a variety of strengths, and are packed in waterproofed cartridges of different sizes.

  6. Applying this result Professor Bone has constructed a boiler in which the water is heated by the metal tubes within it being raised to a high temperature by flameless combustion, and such a boiler has a very high efficiency.

  7. From this position it commenced a brief, rapid cannonade from its smokeless and flameless guns, the effects of which on the fortress are said to have been indescribably awful.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flameless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.