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Example sentences for "flexional"

Lexicographically close words:
flexible; flexibly; flexile; flexing; flexion; flexions; flexor; flexors; flexuous; flexure
  1. But the flexional forms of the simple tenses are most subject to local variation, and, being relatively common, afford good evidence of dialect.

  2. The disadvantages of such ambiguity increased as the flexional system of nouns and adjectives collapsed, and a remedy was found in the adoption of new forms.

  3. The metre occasionally gives clear evidence that final flexional -e of the original has not always been preserved in the extant MS.

  4. Feminine rhymes are indeed rarer than in Middle English poetry in consequence of the disuse of flexional endings.

  5. Many of the classificatory and some of the flexional suffixes of Indo-European speech can be shown to have had this origin.

  6. Necessarily, the same suffix might be used sometimes in a classificatory, sometimes in a flexional sense, and sometimes without any definite sense at all.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flexional" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.