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Example sentences for "flexor"

Lexicographically close words:
flexile; flexing; flexion; flexional; flexions; flexors; flexuous; flexure; flexures; fleyed
  1. The flexor longus digitorum has a tendency to cause a bending of the small toes, and as it also runs across the foot it pulls the toes somewhat inward, that is, toward the big toe.

  2. The pressure upon the tendons of the flexor longus digitorum pedis causes the smaller toes to bend somewhat, and this gives rise to projecting angular points on which corns readily form.

  3. The equilibrium is attained and maintained in spite of the fact that, as a rule, the flexor muscles are stronger than the extensors and better situated to exert their mechanical force.

  4. Owing to excitement, they are unable to make flexor and extensor muscles exactly balance each other and the consequence is a tremulous movement that may be complicated by some swaying.

  5. Now, if the flexor tendons are cut and the toe straightened the atrophic extensor muscles will not hold it in that position, and when the flexors grow together the old condition will reassert itself.

  6. The pull upon the flexor longus hallucis which runs along the inside border of the foot, gives rise to the bunion by pulling the big toe outward--in the direction of least resistance.

  7. The power to hold the limbs in a given position is due to a very nice balancing of flexor and extensor muscles.

  8. More important than this, however, is the fact that the tendon of the flexor longus hallucis runs along the inner border of the foot and is particularly affected by the yielding of the arch.

  9. When we crave something, when there are active ideas of desire, there usually are movements of our flexor muscles.

  10. Steadiness in any position is due to a nice balancing of extensor and flexor muscles requiring the sending down of a continuous stream of impulses.

  11. The pressure put upon the flexor longus hallucis will have a tendency to cause this, for it is over-stretched by the yielding of the arch and keeps constantly pulling on the big toe until that member has a distinct flexion outwards.

  12. Some mediums can, it is said, dislocate the tendon of the flexor longus hallucis onto the edge of its grove and then bring it back with a snap.

  13. Having the two main flexor tendons of the toes blended together.

  14. The thumb of the Orang differs more from that of the Gorilla than the thumb of the Gorilla differs from that of Man, not only by its shortness, but by the absence of any special long flexor muscle.

  15. By having a short flexor and a short extensor muscle of the digits.

  16. The short flexor of the toes of the Gorilla differs from that of Man by the circumstance that one slip of the muscle is attached, not to the heel bone, but to the tendons of the long flexors.

  17. Every Monkey and Lemur exhibits the characteristic arrangement of tarsal bones, possesses a short flexor and short extensor muscle, and a peronaeus longus.

  18. Every monkey and lemur exhibits the characteristic arrangement of tarsal bones, possesses a short flexor and short extensor muscle, and a peronaeus longus.

  19. The long flexor muscle of the thumb, so characteristic of the Anthropoid Apes, is present in Nycticebus.

  20. The long tendons of the muscles for flexing the digits (the {13}flexor longus digitorum) differ generally in arrangement from those of the higher Primates.

  21. All these are tatued on the flexor surface of the forearm or on the outside of the thigh.

  22. Circles are tatued on the biceps, on the back of the thigh, and on the calf of the leg; a modification of the scroll design of the chest occurs on the flexor surface of the forearm.

  23. On the forearm are tatued eight bold zigzag bands, one-eighth of an inch broad, which do not completely encircle the arm, but stop short of joining at points on the ulnar side of the middle line on the flexor surface.

  24. If we had only flexor muscles, one motion would exhaust the muscular capacity; when the limb is flexed it can do nothing more; but when the extensor muscle moves it back, flexion can be again performed.

  25. We can conceive no faculty which has not its opposite,--no faculty which would not terminate its own operation, like a flexor muscle, if there were no antagonist.

  26. A pair of small sesamoid bones are developed on the ventral or flexor side of the metacarpo-phalangeal articulations of all the digits except the pollex.

  27. Below the head the shaft bears a small outgrowth which is continuous with a larger one on the flexor surface (see p.

  28. The shaft bears on the flexor surface, at some little distance behind the head, a prominent rounded protuberance, the =deltoid ridge.

  29. There are as a rule two small sesamoid bones developed on the ventral or flexor side of the metacarpo-phalangeal articulations, and sometimes similar bones occur on the dorsal or extensor side.

  30. The flexor and extensor muscles, which, as I believe, move the upper segment of the pedicel (a and b, Pl.

  31. Each outer maxilla is furnished with a pair of muscles, apparently a flexor and extensor; there is also a little muscle between the two maxillae, I presume for the purpose of bringing them together.

  32. On each flank, moreover, but more deeply imbedded, are the long flexor and extensor muscles, presently to be described, running to the five posterior thoracic segments.

  33. A muscular cyst consists of flexor and extensor muscles.

  34. In the heart the flexor layers have not yet separated from the extensor layers, because the vegetable flesh has as yet no symmetry in itself.

  35. Or does the boxer hit better for knowing that he has a flexor longus and a flexor brevis?

  36. The artery lies in a groove in the wrist, made by the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle on the outside, and the flexor digitorum sublimis on the inside.

  37. Every Monkey and Lemur exhibits the characteristic arrangement of tarsal bones, possesses a short flexor and short extensor muscle, and a 'peronaeus longus'.

  38. Between the tenth and fifteenth days of convalescence the patient is attacked with a tearing, rending pain in the hands and forearms, the legs and feet, followed by tonic contraction of the flexor muscles of these parts.

  39. Another sequela of cholera is a tetanic contraction of the flexor muscles of the limbs.

  40. The next resort is to cut the hamstring just above the point of the hock and the tendon on the front of the limb (flexor metatarsi) just above the hock, and even the sinews behind the shank bone just below the hock.

  41. In other cases the flexor muscles of the fore legs are so shortened that the knees are kept constantly bent and can not be extended by force.

  42. The tendon of the flexor longus pollicis muscle.

  43. In the upper third of the leg, the anterior tibial artery lies deeply situated between the tibialis anticus, and flexor communis muscles.

  44. The plantar fascia and flexor brevis digitorum muscle cut; b b b, its tendons.

  45. The tendon of the flexor digitorum longus cut; f f f, its digital ends.

  46. The tendon of the flexor pollicis longus muscle.

  47. Every joint of the tarsus has also its flexor and extensor.

  48. When it does there is a continual strain upon the back sinews and flexor muscles of the horse, and this he strives to relieve by moving backwards, and resting his hind toes in the gutter,--a practice which grooms call a vice.

  49. Where the latter defect exists, it indicates, in my opinion, a thickening and rigidity of the flexor muscles, and produces an unsafe method of planting the feet, particularly in walking.

  50. The ulnar nerve and vessels were intact, but the flexor tendons were almost entirely destroyed.

  51. Sometimes the horse likes to get the heels on a stone or some elevation so as to relieve the weight from the flexor tendons.

  52. To effect this it may be needful to cut the flexor tendons of bent limbs or the muscles on the side of a twisted neck or body; one or more of the manipulations necessary to secure and bring up a missing member may be required.

  53. If the whole ligament is involved, the swelling comes on gradually, and is found above the fetlock and in front of the flexor tendons.

  54. If he is used too soon the newly formed tissue between the ends of the muscle will be liable to stretch and leave the flexor muscle too long and permanently displaced.

  55. The flexor pedis perforatus, or superficial flexor of the foot, follows the course of the preceding tendon and is attached to the middle of the ankle.

  56. Healing is hard to effect, as one part of the knee is drawn upward by the two flexor muscles which separate it from the lower part.

  57. Lastly, knuckling is produced by disease of the suspensory ligament or of the flexor tendons, whereby they are shortened, and by disease of the fetlock joints.

  58. In some instances nails may puncture the flexor tendons, the coffin bone, or enter the coffin joint.

  59. Among the predisposing causes are a long, thin fetlock and a narrow knee or hock as viewed from the side, with the flexor muscles tied in just below the joint.

  60. The tendinous sac lies back of the articulation itself and extends upward and downward in the groove of that joint through which the flexor tendons slide.

  61. In front the flexor tendons are cleared from the carpus, the pisiform bone separated from the others though not removed, and the hook of the unciform divided by pliers.

  62. Now carefully dissect the tendons of the tibialis posticus and flexor communis digitorum from behind the internal malleolus.

  63. Here the artery is separated from the inner border of the tibia, by the flexor longus digitorum, and is covered by the soleus.

  64. Here the vessel is more superficial, lying in the groove between the flexor carpi radialis and supinator longus.

  65. Thus, the beginning of the trouble was hardly four months before; its character was not alarming, being a weakness of convalescence, a diminution of energy in the extensor and flexor muscles of the fingers and toes.

  66. Medial view of the second digit of the left foot, showing insertions of the flexor muscles, x 3.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flexor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.