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Example sentences for "flight from"

  • It ends abruptly at a point just before the date of Morton's flight from England.

  • Flight from evil, not by locality but virtue, i.

  • Flight from world is assimilation to divinity, i.

  • Assimilation to divinity, is flight from world, i.

  • My Empress sends you also back the 20 flags I found in some of the Churches, in the course of my flight from Leipsig.

  • Again came that aching in the side, that intolerable pain which I had felt in my flight from Paris.

  • No allusion was made to the circumstances which had caused my flight from Paris, or, indeed, to my having ever been in Paris.

  • Then I remembered the morning after my flight from Paris, seven years before.

  • By its mere intellectual substance this tragedy expresses the veering round: it is nothing else than the longing from passion to harmony, Helen's flight from adventures to repose.

  • She has gone down to Seasheere, a little Naval Flying-station on the South-East coast, to meet Alan Sherbrand on the home-flight from Somewhere in France.

  • One of ours, on the Home-flight from Belgium, Miss Saxham.

  • It seems that Michael Angelo's flight from Rome in 1506 was due not only to his disappointment about the tomb, but also to his fear lest Julius should give him uncongenial work to do.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flight from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bitter almond; come fill; constant state; external force; fair return; flight from; fully described; general name; great captain; human milk; international commission; like them; more profitable; one whom; open place; perfectly straight; quite easy; set the; small room; three chapters; whole crowd; you expect