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Example sentences for "flod"

Lexicographically close words:
flocked; flockes; flocking; flocks; flockt; flode; flodes; floe; floes; flog
  1. Forthi, if thou wolt grace have, Be gracious and do largesse, Of Avarice and the seknesse 410 Eschuie above alle other thing, And tak ensample of Mide king And of the flod of helle also, Where is ynowh of alle wo.

  2. Amidd the plein he syh a welle, So fair ther myhte noman telle, In which Diana naked stod To bathe and pleie hire in the flod With many a Nimphe, which hire serveth.

  3. Phebus, which syh the necgligence, How Pheton ayein his defence His charr hath drive out of the weie, Ordeigneth that he fell aweie Out of the carte into a flod And dreynte.

  4. Lich to the peines of this flod Stant Avarice in worldes good: He hath ynowh and yit him nedeth, For his skarsnesse it him forbiedeth, And evere his hunger after more Travaileth him aliche sore, So is he peined overal.

  5. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flod" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.