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Example sentences for "forfeiting"

Lexicographically close words:
foreyard; forfaulted; forfeit; forfeite; forfeited; forfeits; forfeiture; forfeitures; forfend; forgat
  1. At the risk of forfeiting his life it is an unsafe experiment.

  2. Nobody was suffered to molest the felon on his journey seawards on pain of forfeiting goods and chattels.

  3. Their experience was of such a nature that they abandoned the house at the end of seven weeks, thus forfeiting the greater part of their rent, which had been paid in advance.

  4. De la Cloche, forfeiting his chances of an earthly crown, was on the point of gaining a heavenly one.

  5. An Act for Forfeiting and Vesting in His Majesty the Goods of Absentees.

  6. The odds in their favour, which circumstance had given and circumstance might take away again, they looked upon as inalienable, until they ended by forfeiting them all.

  7. Jawett, without forfeiting his post and promotion at Somerset House, had become the editor of a new periodical magazine, called the "Privy Council.

  8. He was alike capable of sacrificing all his feelings to worldly considerations or of forfeiting the world for a visionary caprice.

  9. He was as afraid of forfeiting the security of his poverty, as the rich miser is careful of his perishable wealth.

  10. It amounts to the same whether man turns away from God through fear of losing his worldly goods, or through fear of forfeiting the well-being of his body, since external goods belong to the body.

  11. King James, without forfeiting the crown, might have been laid under such restrictions that it would not have been in his power to tyrannize over his subjects, either in spirituals or temporals.

  12. She may be sure that a contrary one will never lead to happiness; and I should think that the reward of seeing you and her mother pleased must be so sweet that she will be careful not to run the risk of forfeiting it.

  13. I anticipate the objection, that as all religions have general and eternal truths for their object, they cannot thus shape themselves to the shifting spirit of every age without forfeiting their claim to certainty in the eyes of mankind.

  14. I stand pledged to make the story interesting on pain of forfeiting your good will!

  15. But she saw that this time she had gone very near to forfeiting the sympathy of her most faithful allies.

  16. I question not but I shall make her happy without forfeiting my own.

  17. It is for his injuries to men who have earned their scanty subsistence without forfeiting their probity, that I hate him, and shall exult to see him suffer all the rigours of the law.

  18. I was not without hopes that accident would suggest a different expedient, and enable me to procure an immediate subsistence without forfeiting my liberty.

  19. At the same time, he had no intention whatsoever of forfeiting the respect of his fellow-citizens, still less of his family.

  20. I propose to widen greatly the scope of my energies, without in the least forfeiting the respect of my fellow-citizens.

  21. They believed that he who conscientiously observes Jewish rites, and in addition does a few other things, may yield to his desires without forfeiting his soul's welfare.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forfeiting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.