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Example sentences for "forgete"

Lexicographically close words:
forgeries; forgers; forgery; forges; forget; forgetful; forgetfull; forgetfulness; forgets; forgett
  1. And to forgete god/ And saith that alle thynges be vendable And after this they ought to be ware that they leue not to moche/ ner make so grete creances by which they may falle in pouerte/ For saynt Ambrose saith upon tobye.

  2. They han on me set al hir thought, And therfore I forgete hem nought.

  3. Hit had forgete the povertee 410 That winter, through his colde morwes, Had mad hit suffren, and his sorwes; Al was forgeten, and that was sene.

  4. The whiche I will not forgete semblably to requyte.

  5. I wol not forgete when I may in recompense thereof .

  6. Or that myn hert forgete his properte; And make shorter al this woful penaunce Of my pore lyfe, ful of adversite!

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forgete" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.