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Example sentences for "fulfilments"

Lexicographically close words:
fulfilling; fulfillment; fulfillments; fulfills; fulfilment; fulfils; fulfyll; fulgent; fuliginous; full
  1. Butler observed long ago,) be fulfilments of general laws not perfectly apprehended by us[624].

  2. Subsequent meanings and subsequent fulfilments may increase, may enrich the consummating experience; the object or content of the rose as known may be other and fuller next time and so on.

  3. Further, he holds, most if not all dreams are fulfilments of suppressed wishes, and these are either sex or spite wishes, the spite wishes growing out of the interference of other people with our sex wishes.

  4. Freud's Theory of Dreams Just at this point we part company with Freud, whose ideas on dreams as wish-fulfilments we have been following, in the main.

  5. And that being so, the real Messianic fulfilments were not to come till four hundred and ninety years after the beginning of the Exile; and this clue he found in Leviticus.

  6. The several fulfilments of the prophesied seventy years' captivity illustrate this.

  7. Do you ask how he could dwell upon fulfilments of the Scripture at such a time?

  8. To understand the fulfilments of Scripture of which the Apostle speaks, by merely fitting the words which he quotes to some fact, I believe to be impossible.

  9. After the events disclosed by the opening of the sixth seal had already been amply fulfilled, but not signifying that further, more elaborate and final fulfilments on an immense scale will not take place later.

  10. The fulfilments began at once, in St. John's own day.

  11. The fulfilments are seen to fit the prophecies.

  12. The manner of the writing, some of it from left to right and some from right to left, enables the fulfilments to follow the prophecies exactly, item by item, to the last jot and tittle.

  13. The wish-fulfilments of our patient go even further.

  14. There is no need for me to point out in so many words the numerous wish-fulfilments contained in this material; they are obvious to the reader.

  15. Two great fulfilments of Old Testament prediction are going forward at this moment.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fulfilments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.