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Example sentences for "captivity"

Lexicographically close words:
captive; captived; captives; captivi; captivities; captor; captors; captum; capture; captured
  1. They remained in captivity about five weeks, being exchanged on July 7, when a Spanish lieutenant and fourteen privates were offered in exchange for Hobson and his gallant seven.

  2. As the days of captivity passed the strictness of their detention was relaxed and they were permitted greater freedom of action.

  3. The Vice Director, Van Diricklagen, accompanied by a delegation from the people, protested against these proceedings, and demanded that Van Der Donck should be released from captivity and held on bail.

  4. Many women and children, their lives being spared, were carried into captivity worse than death.

  5. Still worse in the eyes of all pious Jews than the massacre or the captivity was the profanation of the Temple.

  6. It is commonly said that the great visitation of the Captivity finally destroyed in the Hebrew mind the tendency to idolatry.

  7. On the whole they passed the time of their captivity in tolerable comfort, and without much injury to their health.

  8. You have accomplished to the full the work unto which you were sent of God, and have come back, having redeemed from captivity and death our brethren from beyond the river, nor lost one of your own people.

  9. They are represented in the costumes in which they made their escape from a captivity among the red men.

  10. Had he spoken for hours, the confession of their discontent with their generals could not have been more manifest; and a sudden gleam of hope shot through Darcy's breast, to think his captivity might soon be over.

  11. And it seems also to eat fruit, while in captivity it thrives on boiled rice.

  12. In captivity it will feed freely upon raw meat chopped very small.

  13. Most of the ravens which are kept in captivity have been caught in this way.

  14. For if it is kept in captivity it will always hide in the darkest corner that it can find.

  15. That they live to a very great age appears certain from the fact that they have sometimes been kept in captivity for seventy or eighty years.

  16. But lions born in captivity are not nearly so easy to manage, and can never be depended upon for a moment.

  17. When in captivity they soon find out that visitors are amused by their antics, and are always ready to go through their performances in order to obtain a nut or a piece of cake.

  18. At last the Prince was restored to freedom, but captivity had made no alteration in his feelings or sentiments.

  19. The government had been much weakened and the well-known opinions and liberality of the Prince had rendered him so popular with the Trasteverini, or northern inhabitants of the Tiber, that policy forbade either his captivity or destruction.

  20. Some of the sweetest love-lyrics extant were written by Charles, Duke of Orleans, during his captivity of twenty-five years.

  21. Baron Trenck wrote his wonderful book of personal experience during a ten years' captivity in a subterranean dungeon at Magdeburg,--a book which has been translated into every modern language.

  22. The father was taken to Niagara, and after a captivity of two years, was exchanged and enabled to return to his own family.

  23. Colo Allens Exchange, it is probable, may not so easily be negotiated as that of Colo Webb; But this Gentleman has been much longer in Captivity than the other.

  24. The death of their master, and the captivity of Master Bob and Miss Maud, had appeared to them like a general downfall of the family of Willoughby; but here was a revival of its hopes, that came as unexpectedly as its previous calamities.

  25. LX: My captivity can bring on Me no shame.

  26. The Persian had kept it in its shrine during its captivity with the seals untouched.

  27. How well Alexandria had prepared itself for the Mohammedan captivity may be seen by the following facts.

  28. We left the emperor Heraclius carrying back the true Cross in triumph to Jerusalem from its captivity under the Persian fire-worshipper, whose empire he had wounded to death.

  29. You and he have been too much together of late; and if I mistake not Master Athelstane would not object to prolong his captivity for ever on such terms.

  30. When in captivity to the infidels, the Templars died sooner than renounce their religion.

  31. Rupert spoke so gravely that his brother officers saw that any joking here would be ill timed; but sly winks were exchanged as Rupert, changing the subject, went on to recount his captivity at Lille.

  32. I think, Rupert, that my captivity is really a fortunate one for our plans.

  33. It was soon after his return from captivity which followed the disastrous crusade that Richard commenced to show Philippe Auguste that he was determined to hold his French possessions with his whole strength.

  34. Philippe had warned John when the news of the release of the lion-hearted king from captivity had become known, that "the devil was unchained," and the building of this castle showed that Richard was making the most of his opportunities.

  35. His captivity has been called "a night five years long," and this was its darkest hour.

  36. At the very outset of his captivity he applied to be set free on the ground that he was an American citizen, though there was small chance of the request being granted.

  37. They arrested him on general principles and he was carried back to a captivity more onerous than before.

  38. And on the following evening, after a captivity of fifteen days, Pedro rode once more into the city of Jerez.

  39. As above remarked, the young wild-cats are quite the most ferocious and utterly untameable beasts of which we have had any experience; the mixture of fear and fury they exhibit in captivity is indescribable, even when only a few weeks old.

  40. In captivity it was much noisier, and more nonchalant, than the Imperial.

  41. It basks in the light of an unrisen sun, and feels beforehand the gladness of the future joys "when the Lord shall bring again the captivity of His people.

  42. When Jehovah brings back the captivity of His people, May Jacob exult, may Israel be glad!

  43. Cabins were burned, harvests were trampled down, cattle driven off, and men, women, and children either butchered or carried into captivity more dreadful than death.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "captivity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    absolutism; bondage; captivity; control; detention; domination; duress; feudalism; imprisonment; incarceration; jailing; peonage; restraint; serfdom; servility; servitude; slavery; subjugation; thrall; tyranny; vassalage; villenage