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Example sentences for "captors"

Lexicographically close words:
captives; captivi; captivities; captivity; captor; captum; capture; captured; captures; capturing
  1. I asked him whether he thought we could manage to run away while our captors were asleep.

  2. We only hoped that our captors had formed a better opinion of us than we had of them.

  3. Having become very hungry, we made signs to our captors that we should like to have some food.

  4. Our captors made a sign to us to follow them, and we now had to stand in a row and be inspected by their friends.

  5. See, our captors are watching the top of the mountain; they too seem to think that something is likely to happen.

  6. Twisting his arms, his captors dragged him out of the pen to the tree-stump which Hahn had indicated, and in a minute had lashed him firmly to it.

  7. Though hungry and parched with thirst, he was too proud to ask his captors for a drink of water.

  8. It was now that Roland could distinctly perceive the nature of the ground on which his captors had formed their ambush.

  9. He was scarce amazed by the opening of the mysterious inner door within a vaulted arch, through which he saw from time to time his captors disappear, but which was ever firmly bolted and barred upon the outer side.

  10. I heard the voices of my captors singing snatches of songs not far away; but they were paying no heed to their captive, and I made shift to slacken my bonds and slip out into the darkness of the wood.

  11. His orders were, in the event of the ship beginning to sink, to liberate the prisoners and give them an equal chance with their captors of saving their lives.

  12. He had imagined, judging from the result of the previous interview, that he had completely bluffed his captors on the subject of Captain Fennelburt, and that, if he persisted in his story, he would emerge triumphant from the ordeal.

  13. They had evidently, as if with one accord, drawn away from Judge Beeswinger, leaving a cleared space around him, and regarded their captors with sullen contemptuous silence.

  14. At a word from the leader, our captors turned us about and marched us up the lane by Mirabeau's garden, where Bernet's blood lay rusty on the stones.

  15. Its lamps were lighted; by their glimmer our captors for the first time saw us fairly.

  16. Yet my captors are not treating me very badly .

  17. Ross had believed that his original captors were physically imposing, but this one was their master.

  18. At the end of the day his captors opened the door only long enough to push inside a bowl and a small jug.

  19. He gave his captors no more trouble but trudged, outwardly dispirited, along the rutted way through the snow up the slope and out of the valley.

  20. The rope jerked him forward, and Ross scrambled awkwardly until one of his captors hooked a fur mitten in his belt and heaved him to his feet once more.

  21. Ross's captors were staring at the screen and the unearthly man there.

  22. It was great fun being able to abuse our captors without fear of punishment.

  23. The prisoners, however, refused to eat, maintaining a sullen silence as they watched their captors partaking of breakfast.

  24. There the captors made a hurried breakfast.

  25. The captors did not speak a word to the girls, slipping hoofs, creaking leather and the heavy breathing of the ponies being the only sounds accompanying the journey.

  26. But the admiral was as much of a hero as a captive, for his captors could not soon forget his generous treatment of Hobson and his men.

  27. He was in a terrible fright, but was reassured when he learned that his captors were not Spaniards, but belonged to a nation whose people did not love Spain.

  28. The general practice is to distribute the proceeds of the property among the captors as a reward for bravery and a stimulus to exertion.

  29. When a prize is brought into a port, the captors make a writing, called libel, stating the facts of the capture, and praying that the property may be condemned; and this paper is filed in the proper court.

  30. Contraband goods, when ascertained to be such, are confiscated to the captors as lawful prize.

  31. State the proceedings of the captors and the court, in cases of capture?

  32. In the meantime, captors and prisoner entered the house; and Vasquez, who was weakened from his wounds, sat down, while the young woman implored the officers not to kill him.

  33. Of the money stolen, all but a few dollars was found on the prisoner; nevertheless, the captors told him that, as soon as Turner should identify him, he would be hung and that there was not much time for foolishness.

  34. Starling's Goliath frame pushed by me, and his captors were hurled like pygmies to each side.

  35. Having bound us, our captors raised a shout and shouldered us toward the camp.

  36. He let his captors wait for him while he stared straight at her, sparing her no fragment of embarrassment.

  37. She saw his captors take him up the passage; she heard the door clang shut on him, and she saw the men come back again.

  38. By this time the captives had learned from experience that if they wished to avoid the spear-points they must walk in advance of their captors at a very smart pace.

  39. Even his captors seemed touched, for one of them removed a small portion of his burden, so that, thereafter, the poor fellow proceeded with less difficulty, though still with a little staggering and an occasional groan.

  40. He and his captors soon embarked for Constantinople, where they arrived probably about the middle of 534.

  41. Was it possible our captors intended to maroon us in some desolate region, or did they intend doing away with us altogether on the High Seas?

  42. A fishing-boat was being put out, and towards it my captors hurried me.

  43. This accomplished, I staggered to my feet and to my position at the table, flattering myself that the whole thing had been so natural that the suspicions of our captors could not possibly have been aroused.

  44. Some women brought hot coffee and ham and bacon from the houses, and the men, both captors and captives, ate and drank, and then some of them stretched out on the floor and took short naps.

  45. So prisoners and captors swapped yarns, told hunting stories, and exchanged the news of their own neighborhoods.

  46. Meantime Jack had followed his example with the other, and shortly both prisoners were standing before the hearth while their captors searched their pockets for firearms and knives.

  47. A few of the women were allowed better fare, and many who had become the mistresses of their captors were well treated by their lovers.

  48. His captors were leading him to a hut where he might be confined and guarded against the coming of the nocturnal orgy that would mark his torture-laden death.

  49. At dawn she hid in the dense undergrowth, hoping to escape observation should her captors pursue her.

  50. Many weary miles lay between them and the Crow camp on the Yellowstone River, but at length the tired captives, mounted with their captors on jaded horses, arrived at their destination.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "captors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.