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Example sentences for "geodesic"

Lexicographically close words:
genus; genuwine; genz; geocentric; geodes; geodesy; geodetic; geodetical; geognostic; geognostical
  1. In order to succeed in our geodesic operations, to obtain the cöoperation of the inhabitants of the villages near our stations, it was desirable for us to be recommended to the priests.

  2. From a mountain near Nice will be sent signals to Corsica, not now for geodesic determinations, but to measure the velocity of light.

  3. Several foreign governments have called upon our officers to organize their geodesic service: this is proof that the scientific influence of France abroad has not declined.

  4. In the geodesic operations of Carlini and Plana, in Lombardy, differences ranging from 20" to 47".

  5. Now a geodesic is not necessarily the shortest path between two given points on it; for example, on the sphere a great-circle arc ceases to be the shortest path between its extremities when it exceeds 180 deg.

  6. On an anticlastic surface two geodesics cannot intersect more than once, and each geodesic is therefore a minimum path between any two of its points.

  7. The geodesic geometry of a sphere is elliptic, that of a surface of equal distance is hyperbolic, and that of a limit-surface is parabolic (i.

  8. Whitehead, "The Geodesic Geometry of Surfaces in non-Euclidean Space," Proc.

  9. I see what you mean," said he; "it is a pylone that has been used for some geodesic survey.

  10. Nevertheless, she took the first opportunity to get Hilton alone; and, even before the first word, she forgot all about geodesic right lines and the full-cooperation psychological approach.

  11. Hence a geodesic through the point considered is determined by the ratios of the increments of coordinates, dx{1} dx{2} .

  12. Now a geodesic is completely determined by one point and its direction at that point, or by one point and the next consecutive point.

  13. Minding had shewn that the Geometry of surfaces of constant negative curvature, in particular as regards geodesic triangles, could be deduced from that of the sphere by giving the radius a purely imaginary value ia[36].

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "geodesic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    geodetic; geographic; geographical