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Example sentences for "gownes"

Lexicographically close words:
gown; gownd; gownds; gowne; gowned; gowns; gownsman; gownsmen; goyng; goynge
  1. It was agreed that evˀy one in the Lyverie should go decently in gownes all a like at all metinges and assemblies.

  2. Not a few also find fault [Sidenote: Thred-bare gownes from whence they come.

  3. Then all the rest of his Counsell and company likewise in blacke gownes and hoodes, like mourners, two by two.

  4. Sidenote: Gownes of cloth of gold for the ambassador and his gentlemen.

  5. Of the Seigniory there be about three hundreth, and about fourtie of the priuie Counsell of Venice, who vsually are arayed in gownes of crimsen Satten, or crimsen Damaske, when they sit in Counsell.

  6. One of the same gownes was very rich, for the pearles were very large, round and orient: as for the rest of his gownes and garments, they were of rich tissue and cloth of gold and all furred with very blacke Sables.

  7. We saw two goodlie gownes which were as heauie as a man could easily carrie, all set with pearles ouer and ouer: the gards or borders round about them were garnished with saphires and other good stones abundantly.

  8. Two Gentlemen in Gownes are to attend at Supper, and to bear two fair Torches of Wax, next before the Musicians and Trumpeters, and stand above the Fire with the Musick, till the first Course be served in, through the Hall.

  9. The terror of rug-gownes shall be known: and our bil[s] Discharge us of after recknings.

  10. The same day the Erle of Foix gave to haraulds and minstrelles the som of fyve hundred frankes: and gave to the Duke of Tourayns mynstreles gownes of clothe of gold, furred with ermyne, valued at two hundred frankes.

  11. Then said the Alderman, make your gownes and your hood, and send them to me, and they shall be furred as other Masters be.

  12. Masques, and Fans you here may have Taffity Gownes and Scarfes most brave Curled haire, and crisped Locks.

  13. When as the gownes and hood were furred, he went to fetch them home, and said to the Alderman, I pray you let me see my charge: the bill was brought forth, and the sum did rise to sixe pound and odde money.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gownes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.