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Example sentences for "gravimetric"

Lexicographically close words:
graveyards; gravi; gravibus; gravid; gravies; graving; gravings; gravior; gravis; gravitate
  1. It is perhaps even better to determine by gravimetric methods once for all the iron content of a large commercial sample which has been ground and well mixed.

  2. Among the operations which are common to nearly all gravimetric analyses are precipitation, washing of precipitates, ignition of precipitates, and the use of desiccators.

  3. The analytical balance, the fundamentally important instrument in gravimetric analysis, has already been described on pages 11 to 15.

  4. Volumetric methods are generally more rapid, require less apparatus, and are frequently capable of greater accuracy than gravimetric methods.

  5. For the purpose of gravimetric determination, phosphoric acid is usually precipitated from ammoniacal solutions in the form of magnesium ammonium phosphate which, on ignition, is converted into magnesium pyrophosphate.

  6. For many years, as a matter of convenience, the classes for which this text was originally prepared were divided, one part beginning with gravimetric processes and the other with volumetric analyses.

  7. In order to avoid burdensome repetitions in the descriptions of the various gravimetric procedures which follow, certain general instructions are introduced at this point.

  8. All the powder of any lot being made of the same mill-cake, the specific gravities are equal although the gravimetric densities may vary.

  9. Cannon powder should have a gravimetric density of about 875 oz.

  10. Volhard, and these methods rank side by side in value with the older and more tedious gravimetric methods.

  11. Volumetric analysis, possessing as it does many advantages over the gravimetric methods, has of late years been extensively developed.

  12. Under these conditions it is hoped to secure a more satisfactory comparison of the analyses as made by means of the Sondén apparatus and as calculated from the composition of the residual air by the gravimetric analysis.

  13. D, which may be called the gravimetric volume (G.

  14. E in foot-tons realized by the expansion of 1 lb of the powder from one gravimetric volume to another is inferred; for if the average pressure is p tons per sq.

  15. D the gravimetric density, which is the specific gravity of the P lb of powder when filling the volume C, cub.

  16. Coast and Geodetic Survey, he accomplished the important gravimetric work described in this article.

  17. Gravimetric investigations in conjunction with other forms of geophysical investigation, such as seismology, furnish data to test hypotheses concerning the internal structure of the earth.

  18. In physical geodesy, gravimetric data are used for the determination of the geoid and components of deflections of the vertical.

  19. Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz summarize the present-day achievements of the gravimetric method of physical geodesy by stating[113] that it alone can give: 1.

  20. The gravimetric methods of physical geodesy, in conjunction with methods such as those of seismology, enable scientists to test hypotheses concerning the internal structure of the earth.

  21. With astronomical observations or with existing triangulations, the gravimetric method can accomplish further results.

  22. Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz state: It is the firm conviction of the authors that the gravimetric method is by far the best of the existing methods for solving the main problems of geodesy, i.

  23. In dry assays the metal is almost always separated and weighed as metal; in wet gravimetric assays the metal is more usually weighed in the form of a definite compound of known composition.

  24. Unfortunately this titration serves simply to replace the gravimetric determination, and does not, as many volumetric processes do, lessen the necessity for a complete separation of any other metals which are present.

  25. Wet assays, as generally understood, would include not only those which we class as wet gravimetric assays, but also all the volumetric processes.

  26. The methods of assaying are best classed under two heads, Gravimetric and Volumetric, in the former of which the final results are weighed, whilst in the latter they are measured.

  27. The solution is then ready for gravimetric determination.

  28. The lead will be in the filtrate, and is recovered in a state fit for direct gravimetric estimation by the addition of dilute sulphuric acid.

  29. These offer little advantage over the easy gravimetric determination.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gravimetric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.